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Evan awoke to a cold sensation on his forehead, while the rest of his body was tucked away under the covers, warming the rest of his body. The jacket part of his tux had been removed, laid out on a chair that was beside him, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.

Connor turned to him as soon as he heard the rustling of the blankets, shoving a pill bottle filled with Advill into his pocket. "Evan!"

"C-Connor!" Evan tried to sit up but froze in pain as he felt his head throb, making him groan, as his icepack fell to the side.

"Lay back down.." Connor said softly, guiding Evan's head back to the pillow, then afterwards placing the icepack back on where Evan was hit.

Evan groaned, and shut his eyes. "What happened?"

"Larry happened," Connor growled.

"Y-your dad?" Evan shifted slightly so he could get a decent look at Connor. The memory of what happened seemed faint to him.

"He.. He fucking hit you, Evan!" Connor gripped the mattress, gritting his teeth.

Evan slid his arm from out from under the covers and put it on top of Connor's hand, in an attempt to calm him down. "Connor.. It's, it's okay.."

"No, it's not 'okay'. He had no right to fucking hit you!!" Connor turned his gaze to Evan, not really caring his hand was atop of his. "I don't care that you jumped out to protect me! That's not an excuse to try and hurt your kid!!"

Evan rubbed his head with his other hand, "You're, you're right on the whole, he shouldn't try to hurt his kids, thing."

Connor sighed, wanting to change the topic. "Want some Advill?" He showed Evan the bottle, giving it a small shake.

"Y-y-yes please," he held his hand out for some, watching as Connor put two in his hand.

"Want some water?" Connor offered, before receiving a small "yes" from Evan. Connor nodded and got up, retrieved some tap water, and gave Evan the small cup.

Evan sat up, popped the pills into his mouth before immediately drinking his water. Connor took the cup from him and set it aside, then made sure Evan laid back down.

Connor took a seat beside Evan, looking up at the ceiling, starting to flash back after when Evan was knocked out.

"What the fuck, Larry?!" Connor snapped, after seeing Evan was on the ground, almost completely not moving, except for his chest that kept track of his breathe.

Larry scoffed and rolled his eyes, "He's fine."

"He is NOT fine!! Zoe, I need you for a second!" Connor called for his sister, as he hoisted Evan up.

"Don't listen to your lunatic of a brother!" Larry growled, but Zoe came up anyways and gasped.

"What happened?!" Zoe looked down at Evan, noticing a red bump on his forehead.

"Ask Larry.." Connor gripped onto Evan tight, he didn't know what to do. Did he have a concussion? How would he explain it to his parents?

"Connor, get Evan to your room. I'll be back with ice," Zoe quickly went back down the stairs, leaving Larry to just stare at the stairway, and then to Connor.

"This is your fault.." Connor turned around and into his room to set Evan down. If there was one thing he could note, it was Evan was somewhat light. Connor didn't work out, that wasn't a surprise, but carrying Zoe around when he was younger sure did wonders for him.

Once arriving to the bed, he set Evan in it and started to roll up his pants and sleeves, for air circulation. After that, he went to get the Advill.

Larry was gone after that, Connor didn't know where he ran off to, but quite frankly didn't care. It made things much easier for Connor, and less stressful. Cynthia was probably stress-cleaning from the fight, that was one of her bad habits she had. Connor snatched the Advill and ran back to his room.

Zoe was already inside, feeling his forehead for the injury. Once it was found she placed the icepack on his head and got ready to leave.

"Zoe! I uh-thank you.." Connor said to his sister, and it sounded geniue. No sarcasm, no rude comments, just a simple "thank you".

Zoe grinned at him, "This boy sure does mean a lot to you, huh?"

Connor looked away and crossed his arms, "You have no idea.."

"Well, take care of him. You probably mean as much to him as he does to you," Zoe said, before leaving the room.

During that all, Connor failed to realize Evan had changed in positions while he relived the past. Evan was cuddled up against Connor, his head resting on his upper thigh, and an arm tiredly laid across Connor's stomach.

"Hey, don't you need to head home?" Connor looked down at him, blushing ever so slightly.

Evan shook his head, "I sent mom a text, s-saying I was staying here. I-is that okay?"

"It's perfectly fine, Ev. Rest up," he said, turning off the remaining light that just happened to be a lamp beside Connor.

"Goodnight, Connor.."

"Night Ev."

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