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Trigger Warning: Brief mention of a panic attack

Connor had not expected to see Evan again.

He saw Evan as someone who was pretending to care, only so people wouldn't judge him. But Connor's view on him had changed when he saw Evan on the bathroom ground, having a panic attack. It showed him that Evan had really bad anxiety. Connor was certain that after he helped him, that'd be it. He was too stressful to be around, anyways.

But that's not what had happened. As Connor headed to his first hour, he was stopped by Evan, who simply snuck his way to him in the busy halls.

"C-Connor..! I was wondering, I was wondering if you w-wanted to eat, eat lunch with me?" Evan asked, shifting his gaze from the ground, to up at the taller male.

Connor looked down at Evan, raising an eyebrow. He didn't mind eating with him, he just thought he had someone to sit with.

"Don't you have uh, what's his face, Kleinman, to sit with?" Connor asked, lifting his head back up to the busy halls.

"He uh, sits with his tech crew.." Evan said softly.

Lunch without Kleinman? Connor considered himself to be pretty lucky.

"Hmm, well alright. I'll join you for lunch. Meet me by my locker, it's, 322, usually covered in nasty notes, can't miss it," Connor said blankly.

"G-got it. I'll see you then, I, I gotta get to class! Bye Connor!" Evan said, before running off to his class period.

Connor watched him go, before doing the same.


Lunch rolled by quicker than what Connor had expected, but he didn't complain, never the less. If he was able to avoid people, that was good enough for him. He leaned against his locker, wondering where Evan planned on sitting. Part of him doubted Evan would show up. But whatever doubt he had submerged when he saw Evan running to Connor's locker.

"S-sorry for the wait! I was, was held back in class a few minutes!" Evan explained, skidding to a stop.

"That's alright. Now, where are we gonna sit?" Connor asked, crossing his arms.

"Take my hand, and, and follow me," Evan held his hand out to him.

Connor scoffed, "Why? As if I'd-"

"Connor, it's a surprise," Evan said calmly, cutting off the taller male.

Connor raised an eyebrow, but sighed, grabbing ahold of Evan's hand. "There, happy?"

"Cover your eyes," Evan said next.

Connor didn't bother arguing, he just did as he was told, shoving a plastic bag that held a ham and cheese sandwich into his jacket pocket, and covered his eyes with his hand. He could feel Evan leading him somewhere, and wherever it was, it was far. But Connor didn't complain, he just kept his thoughts to himself. Soon enough, he felt them come to a stop.

"You can, you can uncover y-your eyes now," Evan told him.

Connor grunted and uncovered his eyes, and to his amazement, he found himself in a completely isolated area of nature and wonder. Why did Evan trust him with this? He didn't know, but he was glad he did.

"It looks really nice," Connor smiled, looking around.

"Come on, let's take a seat!" Evan dragged Connor over to the great pine tree, still having a grip on Connor's hand. Together, the duo took a seat.

"How'd you know this place even existed?" Connor asking, pulling out his sandwich, and taking it out from it's plastic bag.

Evan made a small chuckle, "I uh, found it by accident, really. It's not that interesting of a tale.." He said, looking away to take out his bologna sandwich from his paper bag.

"Nuh uh! You aren't getting off that easily. Spill," Connor grinned, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"Well.. Alright.. It was uh, Freshman year, about the second semester. I was being bullied by these upperclassmen, I don't remember why but it's not important to the story," Evan started.

Connor listened intensely, chewing on his ham sandwich.

"So, no matter, no matter where I went, s-somehow they managed to find me. One faithful day, while they w-were chasing me, I stumbled into this area. No one knows about it, so I stayed here. By disappearing, I was left alone," Evan wrapped up.

Connor frowned, "Dude, that's awful.."

Evan simply shrugged, "We all have ways on how to deal with bullies. You can come here any time you'd like if you need it," he said, starting to eat.

"Well.. Thanks.." Connor said, looking away. He felt strange, like he wanted to help him, but he couldn't. Those bullies had long since graduated. He couldn't help but wonder if Evan still had this problem..

Connor let out a huff, before saying, "If anyone bothers you, let me know, okay?"

"Oh uh, sure, Connor," Evan said, looking up at him.

And then, the two continued their lunch in a comfortable silence.


"Hey Connor, same time tomorrow?" Evan asked as the two boys readied to part.

"Sure. I thought today was nice," Connor made a small smile.

Evan smiled, "Great! I'll, I'll see you tomorrow! Bye!" He said, racing off to class.

Connor watched him go, still smiling.

"Do my eyes dare deceive me? Oh my gosh, you're smiling!"

Connor whipped around to his sister, Zoe Murphy, who had just seen that entire scene play out. "Hey, you saw nothing!"

Zoe simply rolled her eyes, "Oh don't try that, Mr. Tough Guy. I know you have a friend! It's that guy that visited you and brought you your homework, right?"

Connor groaned, "Zoe, don't push it." He said, taking out his phone, only for it to be swiped by Zoe.

Zoe searched through his contacts, before finding Evan's contact, in which she started to type. "Great! Here's his number! Wow, your list is short... Aaaannd, send! All done!" She grinned, holding Connor's phone out to him.

"What'd you ask?" Connor growled, snatching his phone from his sister.

"I asked him to dinner, silly," Zoe teased. "It'll be this Friday, if he accepts, of course."

But before he could ask anymore questions, his phone went off, and he checked the text.

Evan: As far as I'm aware, I'm free on Friday. So, it'll work!

"God damn it, Zoe!" Connor cursed at her.

Zoe ignored him, as she was already starting to walk off, "You should probably get ready for Friday, Con. Gotta make sure this guy leaves a good impression on mom and dad."

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