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Friday came by too fast.

Connor was in his room, throwing out shirts from his closet, trying to find the right one to wear. Why did he have to look nice? Because his family was making him. And they definitely didn't approve of him wearing his jacket, leaving him to bury deep in the depths of his closet for something decent.

"Come on, come on!" Connor mumbled, continuing to dig through his closet. "Fuck! There isn't jackshit in here!"

"Connor? You're causing a bit of a ruckus? You alright?" Zoe asked, knocking on the door.

He sighed, and swung open the door. "No, I'm not 'alright'. I can't find anything nice to wear!"

"Leave it to me," Zoe said, going in his room and straight to his closet. She was wearing a baby blue strapless dress.

Connor stayed silent, watching Zoe find something in the way back of his closet. She pulled out a purple tuxedo with black pants and a black tie. "This'll be perfect for you." She smiled, handing him the outfit.

"Thanks.." He muttered, as Zoe exited the room. He shut the door and quickly changed into his new apparel. He then left his room and went down the stairs.

"Connor! Perfect timing, dear! When is Ethan coming?" Cynthia asked, setting out some silverware by the plates.

"It's Evan, mom. And he'll be here by seven," Connor corrected her, holding in his anger.

Connor curled a fist. He was angry, angry at the fact his mom couldn't remember the name of the guy who saved his life. It was frustrating and upsetting. Were they grateful Evan saved him? Did they even want Connor be to saved? How could they overlook it so easily? Did they even care?

Connor let out a huff and looked at the clock. It was five before seven, and no Evan just yet. He pulled out his phone and opened it, checking for any new messages that would indicate delay or a family emergency. But there was nothing.

Not a minute after that, the doorbell rang. Connor ran to the front door and swung it open to be met with Evan Hansen, who was a black and white tux with black pants and shoes, and a cherry red tie to top it off.

"H-hey! Sorry if I'm, if I'm a little late. My mom just dropped me off, s-she's heading to work right now.." Evan explained, putting his hands in his pockets.

Connor made a smile, "It's fine, now c'mon in. Diner is just about ready," he said, putting a hand on Evan's shoulder, and lead him inside the house.

"Ah Evan, it's so nice to meet you! I'm Cynthia, Connor's mom!" Cynthia beamed, looking over at the two.

"N-nice to meet you, Mrs. Murphy," Evan made a shy smile at her.

Zoe was next to come down and introduce herself. "I'm Zoe, Connor's sister. Nice to meet you!" She smiled, waving to him.

Evan waved back awkwardly, "H-hi Zoe, I'm Evan.."

Lastly, Larry came out into the kitchen. "I'm Larry, Connor's father," he said, bringing out a hand for Evan to shake.

"I'm Evan. It's nice, it's nice to meet you," Evan said nervously, taking his hand and gave it a shake.

"Well everyone, let's take a seat and eat! I made spaghetti with meatballs, cheese bread, and corn," Cynthia explained, taking a seat.

"Sounds wonderful, honey," Larry smiled, taking a seat near his beloved wife.

Connor and Zoe silently took a seat, not really having anything to say about the meal. Connor grabbed the water and filled up his cup.

"I-it looks delicious, Mrs. Murphy," Evan smiled, taking a seat at the end of the table, isolated from Connor.

Everyone passed out food and drinks, until their plates were filled. The Murphy family then started to eat, but as for Evan, he was staring at his food, trying to figure out what to have first. It was so much different than leftovers or pizza, and it overwhelmed him.

"Something wrong, honey?" Cynthia asked, noticing Evan's nervousness.

"I'm fine! It's just, a lot to eat," Evan said just barely enough to be heard.

"Why are you so quiet?" Larry asked, not understanding Evan's nervousness.

"Oh! I'm not, t-that much of a talker so-" Evan started, but Cynthia cut him off.

"Larry, that was a bit rude," she stated to her husband.

Connor picked at his plate, murmuring, "So is cutting off my friend mid-sentence.."

"What was that?" Larry growled.

Connor simply rolled his eyes, "It's nothing.." He narrowed his eyes, cringing mentally at what he said,"Dad.."

Larry stood up, "You never call me that.. Not since freshman year."

"Well things change, Larry! I'm so sorry that I have problems! I'm sorry I can't just make them go away!" Connor stood up, "You know, therapy might actually help me!! Medication might actually help! You're so stingy you won't even help your own son!!!" He yelled, throwing his fork onto his plate, and stomped upstairs.

Evan looked at the empty stairway Connor had just gone up, then to the remaining Murphies. He had only seen Connor almost as nearly as angry as that was when he shoved him in the hallway, and saw his therapy letter. Neither of those situations ended well, making Evan fear the worst.

"I'm, gonna go c-check on him," Evan stuttered, before racing up the stairs and realized he didn't know where Connor's room even was. He looked around, one was a bathroom, and two others were open, except for one. He assumed that was Connor's.

Evan slowly raised his fist to knock on the door, but thought that wouldn't be the best option. Talking. That'd help.


"C-C-Connor? Are you in there?" Evan called, nervously taking both of his hands and started to fidget with him.

At first, there wasn't a response. Evan was half tempted to leave him be, but the other half told him that Connor needed a friend at that moment.

Then, the door opened, and Connor pulled Evan inside.

"Fuck, that wasn't supposed to go that badly. Fuck!" He cursed, shutting the door behind him. In his other hand, he was clearly holding a cigarette.

Evan noticed this. "Connor.. You.. You s-smoke?"

"Ding ding ding! Hansen has learned that the 'school stoner', is actually a stoner! What, you gonna blab it to everyone now?" Connor said in a statistic tone, his high taking it's toll.

"N-no! Connor, you know, you know I'd n-never do that to you," Evan said, nervously putting a hand on Connor's shoulder.

Connor looked at the ceiling, before laughing, and looking down at Evan. "You're really too good for me. I'll never understand why you decided to save me!" He laughed bitterly, putting an arm around Evan's shoulders, and lead him to an open window.

"Well, everyone deserves to be saved.." Evan said softly, gazing up at Connor. "And, and I know things are hard, t-they are for me too, but you have to k-keep pushing through it."

Connor had only gotten a small part of what he said. "You said things are hard for you?"

Evan simply nodded, not saying anything.

"Well then," Connor lowered his cigarette down so Evan could take it.

"Want to try this?"


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