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"So wait, you talked to the school shooter?"

Evan shot a glare at Jared. "H-he's not a "school s-shooter", he's actually a pretty o-okay guy.."

"Yeah, sure," Jared rolled his eyes. "Look, I don't think you should hang around him. He seems like a bad influence."

Evan didn't reply. He didn't know what to say. He wanted to defend Connor, but truth be told, he barely knew the guy.

"Well, I'm going to grab some lunch, and look through only the best of memes. See ya 'round, Hansen," Jared ended, walking off to get lunch. Evan let out a sigh.

"Guess I'll just eat by myself.." He grabbed his sack lunch from the nearby table it once remained beforehand, and went to the courtyard.

The courtyard was an unused lot that was usually fairly empty, except for some students gone astray, but they didn't bother Evan. It was in the back of the school, filled with grass, dandelions, a few flowers, usually roses, and above all, a tree that was a few feet from the exit. This was a pine tree, that stood tall in the courtyard, it was absolutely perfect for eating under.

When Evan finally arrived in the yard, he couldn't help but smile. He loved nature, he truly did. Somehow, the courtyard could always lift Evan's spirits, even if it was for however long he remained in it.

After taking in the beauty of the courtyard, he went and sat down under the great oak tree, feeling a light chill from under it's shadow. But Evan didn't really mind. It brought piece to his mind, being completely isolated from everyone else. It felt amazing to him.

The birds sang their songs as squirrels collected nuts for an approaching winter that would hit in about a month. Evan looked up, seeing that the tree's leafs were already changing color, that they were dying.

Evan lifted up an orange leaf that laid in front of him. "I can't help but wonder how something looks so beautiful when it dies.." He muttered softly to himself, gazing at the leaf, before sighing.

He took out a bologna sandwich that he had packed for lunch, and took a bite out of it, before feeling his phone vibrate. He pulled it out and looked down at it, seeing that Connor had sent him a text message.

Connor: Hey Ev, just wanted to make sure this number worked
Connor: Also I could use someone to talk to, so ttyl?

Evan nearly dropped his phone, not actually expecting a response from Connor, but he did want to talk to someone, and through texting was much better than in person.

Evan: Hey! Yeah, this is Evan, don't worry. Also I'm in lunch right now so we can chat now if you'd like!

Evan cringed at the message he sent, but after spending at least over five minutes on it, it would have to suffice.

Connor: Oh alright cool.

Evan: So how are things at the hospital?

Connor: Irritating. My dad thinks I attempted suicide to get attention so he isn't going to pay for a therapist. My sister thinks the same thing as he does. And my mom is trying to convince him to get a therapist but..

Evan: But what?

Connor: Let's just say, never argue with my dad if his mind is made up

Evan almost assumed the worst, but he didn't ask, seeing it as a rude thing to say. He kept it to himself, as he silently ate his sandwich.

Evan: So, it just leads to more fighting?

Connor: Basically.

Connor: Hey, can you do me a favor?

Evan: What is it?

Connor: Can you get my homework from school?

Connor: My mom won't get off my ass about it. I'd really appreciate it.

Evan: Oh sure! That seems easy enough.

Connor: Thanks. You remember my room number?

Evan: Kinda, can you remind me?

Connor: Yeah sure. It's 421, on the third floor.

Evan: What time do you want me over by?

Connor: 5 ok with u?

Evan: It should work out just fine. I'll see you then!

Connor: See u then

Evan glanced at the time after checking his message, before seeing he was about to be late for class. "Crap, usually I'm so good about this!" He said to himself, getting up, before running inside.

"How did I loose track of time?"

A/N: Ha, I'm totally not up almost until 1 updating a fanfic no one reads, heh. Oh well, it was almost done anyways so I figured why not. I should at least start the next chapter, then I'm heading to bed. Hope you all enjoyed!

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