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Bright. Bright red lights shined as Connor regained consciousness for a brief moment. People were picking him up, they looked like medics, but Connor couldn't pick up on any other details.

He could barely move, all he could do was squeeze his fist. His eyes darted from one direction to another, trying to see what was going on.

Then, he saw him.

Evan Hansen.

Questions started to race through Connor's mind. Why was he there? Was he there to mock him? For trying to kill himself? He couldn't figure it out, his mind was in a daze as it was. He could only watch as Evan looked at him, covered his mouth with his hands, and bolted towards Connor.

"Connor!" Evan yelled, stopping near close to in front of him, now, granting Connor a better look at the boy.

"No.. No t-this is all my f-fault..! I sh-should've stopped you! No one deserves this.. Not even you!" Evan started to cry, letting the tears fall down from his eyes.

Connor couldn't say anything, he just watched, feeling his gut sink as he listened to what he had to say. He wished he had listened earlier.

"I kn-know I barely knew you.. And you b-arely knew me.. But.. We could've wo-worked things out.." Evan choked out, tears now trailing down from to his neck to his chest, where they fell on Connor.

"Y-you.. You, found me.."

Connor felt a surge of surprise, he couldn't show it, but he definitely felt it. He wanted more than anything else to say "I'm okay" but he just couldn't.

"Fuck... Fuck..!" Evan cursed, before shutting his eyes and gripping onto the hem of his polo shirt like his life depended on it.

Connor's vision then started to blur. No, he didn't want go. He wanted to stay. But, his vision faded to black before he knew it.

Then, he was rolled away into the ambulance, as Evan watched sadly, trying to dry his eyes.

The ambulance drove away soon after, and Evan walked home to his house, finally managing to calm down a little.

He walked into his house half expecting his mom to run towards him to embrace him in a hug, seeing him in a depressed state.

But she wasn't there. She was at work, like usual. Evan let out a sigh, and headed up to his room.

What could he do for Connor. Sure, he did call the ambulance, but he wanted to do more. Technically, he caused this, in Evan's mind, and he felt awful about it. How could he tell the Murphys; how could he tell Zoe? She'd probably hate him the most, then BAM, any chance of him being with her is out the window.

Evan laid down on his bed, and buried his head under a pillow. He felt so frustrated, he wanted to scream, but he didn't want to burden his neighbors with the noise, so he kept quiet.

He didn't move much, he just laid there for a bit, wanting something to happen. Eventually, he let sleep give him relaxation at last.


"Mr. Murphy, how are you feeling?"

Connor didn't reply at first, he just laid in the hospital bed, in a gaze, yet it was at nothing in particular. He was now in a hospital gown, as some nurses went to get him some aspirin.

"Mr. Murphy? Hello?"

Connor shook his head, before looking at the doctor, "I'm fine.."

"No, you're not. You attempted suicide last night! Anyways, your family will be here shortly," the doctor said, marking a few things from his checklist.

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