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Trigger Warning: Drug usage, violence.

"Want to try this?"


Evan had two options; either try smoking in an attempt to impress Connor, or refuse the offer, which would make him seem lame and weak.

"I guess.. I'll give it a try," Evan decided, taking the cigarette and stared down at it, not really knowing what to do.

Connor noticed his confusion. "Just bring it to your mouth and breathe in."

Evan nodded and brought it to his lips and enhanced, before quickly pushing it off, going into a coughing fit.

"Okay, that's enough for you," Connor frowned, taking the cigarette from Evan.

Evan frowned, but part of him was glad he took it. He coughed once more. "H-how can you deal with those t-things?"

"You just.. Get used to them," he stated blankly, blowing out the cigarette and throwing it away. "I realized something when you tried smoking.." He said, sitting down on his bed.

"What's that?" Evan asked, sitting by Connor.

"I'm an asshole," he said in a monotone voice, laying down.

Evan frowned at this, "Hey, d-don't say that about yourself. You were, you were trying to be considerate."

"No, I was trying to make you start a horrible habit.." Connor huffed, staring at the ceiling.

"Well.. Let me, let me help you! I-I can help!" Evan told him, trying hard to sound optimistic.

Connor laughed, "You think you can help me? Evan, in case you've forgotten, you have some pretty fucking bad social anxiety! I can't," he laughed some more. "I can't put you through that shit! Fuck that!"

Evan looked down at him, he felt like his stomach was in knots. "Connor.."

"And don't, don't even get me started on my family! I ruined any chance of being a good brother to Zoe, I fucked her up so much in the head it isn't even funny! She hates my guts and I can't blame her!" Connor rambled on.

Evan couldn't believe it. "If she, if she hated you, then why'd she invite me to dinner for you?"

Connor sat up. "What the- How do you know about that?!"

"S-she set it up like an invitation but over text," Evan answered him shortly. "She, she doesn't completely hate you, and you can try to make it up to her however you can!"

Connor scoffed, before continuing. "Well, how about my mom? I've treated her like shit for everything nice or considerate she's ever done! I'm a horrible son! She's better off without me.."

"Connor, you can fix that too. Tell her, tell her you appreciate what she does for you, make her something like, b-breakfast in bed? Yeah, like t-that! She wants to help you," Evan once again said.

"Okay, then what about Larry?! Huh? All he does is treat me like shit, ask for a better son, and when I do something for him, he assumes I'm high!" Connor flopped down on his bed.

Evan was about to answer, but was cut off by a bang on the door. "Speak of the devil.." Connor said mockingly, getting up.

"Connor, open this damn door!!!" Larry yelled, banging on the door once again, making
Evan jump, startled.

Connor went over and opened the door, glaring up and hard at Larry. "What?" He growled at him.

"You better not be smoking in there! And where's your friend? He doesn't need this type of a bad influence," Larry pushed Connor aside, and saw Evan. "Hey, Ethan, c'mon, let's get you out of here." He grabbed Evan's arm, and pulled him out.

"I-it's Evan and, um, I uh, I-I don't want to go," Evan said nervously.

Larry tightened his grip on Evan's wrist. "Don't back talk me," he warned.

"Hey!! He said he didn't want to go," Connor called, tightening his fist.

"Connor, stop. You're high off your ass and your friend doesn't want any part of this," Larry acted as if he didn't hear Evan.

"P-please! Let me go!" Evan whimpered.

"Let him go!!! Honestly, you're probably the reason I don't have any friends!!" Connor grew more and more frustrated.

Larry let go of Evan, walking over to Connor. "You don't say that to your father."

Connor moved past him, over to Evan now. "Oh, I have a dad? I can only remember a man who was a huge asshole to me!!!"

"That's it!!" Larry raised his hand, and brought it down, aiming for Connor's cheek. But instead, Evan jumped out to protect him, and took the hit instead. The last thing Evan could remember was his head hitting a wall, before yelling.

Then, he passed out.

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