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421, is that to the left or the right?
I should ask someone.
No no, they'll just think you're a lost, irresponsible little boy or something.
Wait, no they won't, I'm seventeen, almost eighteen..
But they'll still think I'm irresponsible!

Evan huffed as he decided to take a right, looking at the numbers on the wall, looking for the numbers that would lead up to Connor's room. True, he was there once, but a nurse helped him find his way. And she wasn't here now. He should've just asked the nurse at the front table for directions. He could feel his hands start to grow sweaty. Was it noticeable? Yeah, kinda, since he kept rubbing his hands against his khakis, often worrying if sweat marks were left behind, but he could help himself. It was pretty hot, or maybe that was just him.



Evan nervously turned his head back to none other than Heidi Hansen, his mom, who just so happened to find him wandering the halls during her shift.

"Um, h-hi, mom," Evan said, rubbing his head meekly.

"What are you doing here? Did something happen?" Heidi asked, concerned on why her son was at the hospital.

"It's n-nothing! I'm just d-delivering homework to someone I k-k-know," Evan explained, trying to hold back his nervous spurs of stutters.

"Oh? Evan, I didn't realize you had made another friend! What's their room number? Let me help you there," Heidi said, putting a hand on Evan's shoulder.

"M-mom, you don't need to-" Evan started.

"Now now, I insist. Besides, you seem a bit lost," Heidi insisted. "Now, the room number?"

"421," Evan replied shortly.

"Okay, now follow me, alright?" Heidi told him.

"G-got it, mom."

The two walked down the hallway, as Heidi asked many questions about Evan's new friend, showing her happiness that he was meeting new people at last. Evan told her everything he new about Connor, but he failed at trying to hide the fact he was at the hospital for a suicide attempt, which made Heidi a little worried, but she simply told Evan that she was glad he befriended Connor so he could have a friend as well, and that no one should have to go through that type of thing alone.

"Well, here we are. You can head inside, I need to get back to work," Heidi said, stopping at Connor's door.

"Thanks mom," Evan made a small smile.

Heidi smiled and kissed his cheek, "I'll try getting off early so we can have a late dinner together. Now, stay out of trouble," she chuckled, before walking off.

Evan then turned to the door, and gave it a small knock.

"Come in.."

Evan opened the door and stepped inside the room, and walked directly to Connor. "H-hey Connor, I've got the h-homework you asked for," he said, taking a seat on the chair by the bed.

"Thank god.." Connor said, leaning back in his bed as Evan removed his homework from his backpack.

"H-here.." Evan said softly, lifting up the quite large stack of homework and set it onto Connor's lap as gently as he could.

"God, school never takes a break huh?" Connor laughed weakly at the ridiculous amount of homework.

"Eh, nope. Guess not," Evan chuckled meekly, before getting up. "Well I-I better get going. Need t-the homework for t-tomorrow?"

Connor nodded, "Uh yeah.."

Evan nodded to him and smiled, then headed to the door. But before he could turn the knob, Connor yelled, "Wait!" Making Evan jump, and turn his head back to him.

"Can you uh, help me with math?" He asked in a soft voice, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh um, s-sure!" Evan smiled, and went to help.

"I mean uh, math is kinda confusing.."

"Don't worry, Connor. You'll get it eventually."

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