Character Ask!!!

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So this is the character ask! Hopefully these answered all your questions! :)

chey-ninja: Amber and Riley, what was your first impressions of Blake? (Back when they were 13, on the first day he got there?)

Amber: Well I thought he was really, really cute. He looked very shy and to him self, so naturally I wanted him to open up to me. I really wanted to be his friend.... Looky how that turned out.                   Riley: I wasn't excited at all to have a new sibling so when he showed up I hated him. I thought he was just some emo punk out to ruin my life. And for a long time, he was exactly that. 

Han02hug: Can Blake and Amber get anymore cuter!!!!!! I just ship them so hard!!

Amber: Awe thanks sweetie!! I ship us too ;) But I hope we can get much cuter! Blake is a HUGE romantic so it won't surprise me if we do!                                                                                                           Blake: Oh, um, thanks... I guess? What the fuck is 'ship'? You want me and Amber to get on a boat? I have a fear of large waters so maybe that's not a good idea...

chey-ninja: Blake when are you gonna propose your killing me here?!

Blake: Oh, um, wow! I haven't really thought about proposing anytime soon... I mean I'm not even 18 yet! I am most likely to do it when we are around 25 years old. And I have to ask Mrs. Green's permission to marry my beautiful kitten- I mean my- I mean Amber... Yeah, just Amber....

NomNomNomisaur: This isn't a question towards them and idk if u said this or not but r u making a sequel?

BubbaForest: I believe I answered this but then again my memory sucks. No, I'm not making a sequel. I plan on rapping everything up in the epiloge. I really hope you enjoyed reading this book because I loved writing it! 

So that's all the questions that were asked! I was kinda disapointed that there wasn't more, to be perfectly honest.... But oh well! Also, I am currently writing the epiloge so I hope to see all your lovely faces soon!!!

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