forty - im not done

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"Can you imagine we saw those assholes Kyle and Channing tonight" Rebecca laughed as we walked down the street.

I chuckled. "Even if we do, I doubt they'll be coming near us after you kicking Kyle in the balls" I said.

"I won't hesitate to do it again" she grinned, I rolled my eyes playfully.

"This place looks nice" Rebecca said, as we stood outside the club I chose.

"Oh thank god. It was the only nice one around here" I laughed. We waited in line for a minute or two and the handed in our fake IDs. We walked inside the crowded place.

Shawn Mendes was playing, which was great. "Are you having anything to drink?" I asked Rebecca. Hopefully she doesn't pick anything with alcohol.

"Uh no I'm not" she shook her head and I let out a sigh of relief. "Me either" I said. There was a long pause of silence.

I looked over my shoulder and my eyes landed on two people I really didn't want to see. "Fuck" I cursed under my breath.

"What?" Rebecca asked me, her eyebrows furrowed.

"You'll never guess who's here" I said. She turned her head around, her eyes landed on them. "Your kidding"

"Channing and Kyle" I sighed. "Let's hope they don't notice us" I said.

"Well well well, look who it is" I heard Kyle say from behind us. Shit.

"The two biggest sluts in Sydney" Channing laughed along with Kyle.

I turned around and glared at them. "Just because you have an dick, doesn't mean you have to act like one" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"A couple of days you two were all over us, and now we're sluts?" Rebecca sarcastically laughed.

"You saw what happens when you mess with us. So I suggest both of you back the fuck up, before things get ugly" I snapped.

"Whatever, cmon let's go" Kyle said, pulling Channing away with them back to the girls they were with before.

"I need to pee" Rebecca said, hurrying off to the bathroom. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

I saw the two girls who were with Channing and Kyle making their way over to me. Oh here we go again!

"I'll say this, and I'll only say it once" one of the girls started. I instantly rolled my eyes. "Stay away from our men" she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why don't you tell your "men" to stay away from us!" I fired back.

"This is your last warning" she said, grabbing the guy beside me's drink, dunking it over my head.

I gasped, shooting her a look. It looks could kill, she'd be split in half by now. She smirked at me.

I had enough. If this bitch wants to play, I'll fucking play.

I shoved her so hard she went flying across the dance floor. Everyone gasped, looking over at the two of us.
I tried so hard not to laugh.

She got back up, strutting over in my direction. She ran at me, trying to hit me but a security guard came over and came in between us.

She slapped me across the face and I clenched my jaw. I kicked her in the shins.


I came out of the bathroom to see Sophie and one of those girls who was with Kyle and Channing, going at each other.

There was a security guard trying to split them up, but it wasn't working. I ran over to them. "What the hell is going on?" I screamed.

The other girl came over to me. "We were telling you bitches to stay away from our men" she smirked.

I wasn't in any mood for this. "Look, you seriously don't want to mess with me right now" I glared at her.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" She retorted, laughing. I rolled my eyes, walking away from her.

I felt her grab my arm, pulling me back. "Where do you think you're going. I'm not done" she snapped.

"Oh fuck this shit" I yelled, shoving her into a nearby table, causing all the drinks that were on the table to spill all over her.

"Are you kidding me?! This dress costs six hundred dollars" she screamed.

"Well it's ugly anyway!" I shot back.

Sophie came rushing over to me. "Let's get out of here"

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