twenty eight - white vans

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I walked down the long white halls of the hospital. Multiple doctors and patients passed me as I walked towards the hospital cafeteria.

I walked in the cafeteria doors and made my way into the line. I pulled out my phone as I stood in the line.

"I love your shoes" I heard someone say to me. I looked up to see the girl in front of me with a smile on her face.

She had long dark brown hair, big brown eyes and long black eyelashes. She had fair skin and was about 5'7 or 5'8 I'm guessing.

I looked down at my shoes and noticed she had the same white vans on as me. I laughed and looked back up at her.

"Thanks. I love yours even more" I joked and she laughed. "Thanks! I'm Rebecca" she said sticking her hand out for me.

I smiled and shook her hand. "I'm Sophie" I said and she smiled.

"Well Sophie it's nice to meet you" she said.


She walked up to the cashier and order a coffee along with a donut. She payed and smiled at me. "You wanna sit with me?" She asked me smiling.

I walked up to the cashier. "Yeah I'd love that" I said and ordered a coffee with a muffin. I payed and we walked over to an empty table.

I sat down and she sat down opposite me. "So how old are you?" She asked me while sipping her coffee."Eighteen and you?"

"Me too. Are you a senior?" She asked. "Yeah I go to Eastwood" I said and she smiled.

"Me too. That's weird I haven't really seen you around" she said and I chuckled. "Me either"

"Sorry if I'm being rude but what happened to your face" she said and my eyes widened. "I completely forgot about that" I said and she laughed.

"Well Rebecca it's a long story" I said sipping my coffee and taking a bite of my muffin.

"I've got nothing but time" she said folding her arms above her head and putting her feet on an empty chair beside our table.

I reached for my phone and texted Ethan.

Me: met a girl in the cafeteria so I'll be a while.

Ethan: okay babe have fun

"Good point" I chuckled. "Well it all started couple of weeks ago"

* * *

"Holy fuck. And I thought my day was going bad" Rebecca chuckled with wide eyes.

"Oh really" I laughed. "How was your day" I smiled as I finished my second cup of coffee.

She playfully sighed. "Well I failed my trig test, broke up with my ex boyfriend and now my step mom, who I hate, is going into labour" she said and I threw my head back and laughed.

"Wow today has been really fucked up for both of us" I laughed.

"Indeed. Cheers" she said picking up her donut. I smiled and picked up my donut. We hit our donuts together and each took a bite out of them.

"I can see this friendship working out" I said swallowing my donut. "You're just as weird as me" I said and she laughed.

"I'll take that as a complement" she grinned.

"You should" I said. "Give me your phone" I said and she handed me her phone.


"1738" she said.

"No shit me too" I laughed and her eyes widened. "Were meant to be" She laughed.

I added my number into her phone and texted myself so I know hers. "Add yourself on snapchat too bruh" Rebecca spoke with a mouthful of donut.

"Aight" I joked and she laughed.

"Quit tryna be hipster Sophie"

"Right sorry"

I handed her phone to her and she smiled cheekily at me. Her phone lit up and she checked it.

"I gotta go. The baby was just born" she said downing the last of her coffee.

I smiled. "Enjoy that" I said getting up from the table.

"Gonna go see lover boy?" Rebecca asked smirking at me as we walked out of the cafeteria.

I pushed her lightly. "Fuck off and yes" I said and she chuckled.

"We need to hang out soon" she said and I smiled. "All my other friends suck ass" She pouted and I laughed.

"I'm not kidding. That's all they do" she said and my eyes widened.

"I guess you could join my crew"

"Wow I'm honoured" she joked. We got to the waiting room and she pulled me in to a hug.

"See you at school Monday?" She said with a smile.

"Hell nah bitch we're hanging out before then" I said and she laughed.

"Thanks for taking my mind off my brother for a while" I said.

She patted my shoulder. "Anytime Sophie" she said. "Now pray for me" she said walking into the room that her step mom was in and I laughed.

"Sending my prayers" I called after and she gave me the middle finger.

I chuckled and made my way back to Ethan.

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