twenty one - beach day

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"So how are you feeling. Are you sure you can walk?" I asked Amber. She was getting released today finally.

"Sophie, relax I'm fine" she laughed standing up.

"I'm sorry it's just, I-I was so worried about you and this whole situation was my fault a-and-"

She covered her hand over my mouth. "Sophie. Don't you dare say that the accident was your fault" she said looking at me sternly. "If it's going to be anyone's fault then blame it on me. Okay, it was my fault your in that cast and it's my fault that we crashed. Okay" she said and took her hand away.


"No buts. Now let's get out of his stupid hospital" she said making me smile.

"Let's go" I said grabbing her hand. We made our way out of the door to be met with Josh, Ethan and Grayson.

They smiled at the two of us and got up out of their seats. Josh hugged Amber and Ethan and Grayson kinda stood their awkwardly.

"Hey Amber can I just say I'm sorry" Grayson began but Amber cut him off.

"Grayson, I told Sophie as well. It's no ones fault. And besides it's in the past. Let's focus on the future okay?" She said.

He smiled at her. "Okay" He said and we all left the hospital.

Josh took Amber back to her place and Grayson went off to meet some of his football buddies.

"So what you wanna do today?" I asked Ethan as we drive back to my house.

He grinned. "You down for the beach?" He asked me and I smiled.


"Okay, I'll drop you home then I'll get changed and come back then we can do. Sound good?"

"Why don't you just borrow some of Brans stuff?" I asked. "It would be much easier"

"He won't mind?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nope and if he says anything I'll kick his ass" I joked flexing my muscles.

"You'll kick Brandons ass?" He laughed. "Brandon is what, 6'1 or 6'2 and your 5'4 and you're gonna beat his ass" he laughed again shaking his head. "All five foot four of you gonna beat him up. Now that's a sight I'd pay money more"

"Bitch shut it" i said whacking his arm causing him to groan.

"Woah Soph you sure are heavy handed. Maybe you could beat his ass" he said laughing at the last part.

I rolled my eyes playfully. Shortly after that we pulled into my driveway. We got out of Ethan's car and went inside the house.

"Bran you home?" I called out once Ethan shut the front door. No answer.

"Guess he's not home" I shrugged and Ethan smirked.

"No one home huh?" Ethan said wrapping his arms around my waist.

I laughed. "Yes no one home" I said and he smirked.

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