Best Friends

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*Paul's POV*

[My parents and I are talking while Frankie is talking to her parents I look up she looks at me and says:]

"Paul and I are together and we would appreciate your discretion if anyone asks."

"Well I think that he couldn't have done better."

"Thank you."[Will, Connor and Ava come over to us Paul grabs my hand squeezing Will says:]

"Your sister took a real beating but there are a lot of defensive wounds and if her neighbor hadn't heard the gunshot then let's just say she wouldn't have been so lucky. She's going to be just fine there's some bruising and a few broken bones but she's alive."


"Yes before your daughter passed out again she gave a  statement to the police stating that John beat her. Said he had a gun they struggled for it and two shots were fired."

"She always said if anything happened to her then he was responsible. I'm gonna go find him."

"No need. She shot him between the eyes he's in the morgue. Does anyone know how to get in touch with her fiancé?"

"I'm Colin. How is she?"

"Once her broken leg and ribs heal she should be fine."

*Cruz' POV*

[Two weeks  later  January 14th it's 5am I'm driving to work when I see a car sitting outside of Paul's house I go to work Frankie's in the kitchen cooking and talking to Brett I go over and say:]

"Morning ladies."

"Hey Cruz."

"Did you drive?"

"No. I rode with Paul from the hospital why?"

"Just thought your car would've been out of the shop by now."

"It's always been in Paul's garage. He's fixing it for me."[Later that morning  I'm at the restaurant the guys are putting the tables up my phone rings I answer:]"Hello?"

"Hey it's me. I think Cruz is onto us. He asked me if I needed any help fixing your car."

"Where are you?"

"Sitting in my car thinking about you."

"I miss you and I can't wait to see you tonight."

"I'll pick you up at seven from the restaurant."

"Okay. How's Mel doing?"

"She's good the docs think she can go home tomorrow Colin hasn't left her side."

"Well that's great. Hey can I call you back? I still have a lot of work to do."

"Yea sure. See you tonight."

"Bye."[I hang up and go into through the kitchen it looks great I've got three of everything I make my way into the office I grab my thermal jacket and go into the freezer counting inventory three hours later 12:00 I'm done with almost everything I go out into the dining room the tables are finished I'm putting the tablecloths on them when someone walks in I say:]"Hey. Can I help you?"

"I'm Taylor Scott. I saw your ad in the paper for a chef."

"Francesca Sexton-Choi. It's nice to meet you. Why don't you show me what you've got. Make me your best dish and then we'll talk. Kitchen is through those doors use whatever you need."

"Any allergies I should know about? Or anything you don't like?"

"Nope."[Taylor walks through the door she says:]

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