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*Aprils pov*

[After the baby shower 4:00pm Ethan and I go home we kiss slowly and passionately we continue to kiss an hour later we're cuddling in bed I say:]

"My father left me the house."

"What house?"

"My family's house. I was thinking I could turn it into a bed and breakfast inn."

"Or we could move in there. I mean I think two years is a good wait time to have a baby. This place only has one guest room."

"And what's wrong with that?"

"We are going to need more than one room because I'm going to fuck you so much that we're going to have our kids in no time."


"What? Come on baby. I can't wait to see your belly swollen with our children. You taking maternity pictures and shopping for our nursery."

"I want to freeze your sperm. Should the worst happen I still want to have your children."

"Are you able to have children?"

"As far as I know. I'm gonna take a shower."[I go into the bathroom and turn the shower on I take a pregnancy test I'm waiting for the results when Ethan comes in and says:]

"Want some company?"


"Is that a pregnancy test?"

"Yea. I think the condom broke a few days ago."

"Are you still on the pill?"

"Yea. Can you hand it to me? They're in the cabinet."[Ethan leaves and comes back with a glass of water I take the pill and swallow it the timer goes off I look at the test Ethan asks:]


"I'm pregnant."[I force myself to throw up the pill Ethan says:]

"Baby are you okay?"

"Yea. I don't want to say anything until we hear the heartbeat. Please."

"Okay. Hey April I know it was unexpected but is it such a bad thing?"

"Unexpected or not I'm really fucking happy."[I take Ethan's shirt off and get in the shower Ethan steps in and slams me against the wall I say:]"Aren't we going to hurt the baby?"

"No. We could always try it from behind."

"Yes but first I need you in my mouth."[I get on my knees and jerk Ethan off he says:]

"April don't tease me. Take me in."[She pulls me to her and starts kissing my dick she takes me into her mouth bobbing her head up and down I have to support myself up against the walls of the shower I grab her hair guiding her head I pull out and slam my dick in her mouth she says:]

"That's how I like it daddy."[Ethan groans out my name he says:]

"April I'm going to explode."

"Go ahead."[two hours later Ethan and I get out of the shower I go over to my dresser and pull on some underwear and a bra I ask Ethan:]"Are you hungry?"


"What do you want to eat?"


"Ethan Alexander. We just finished."

"So? Am I not allowed to want you?"

"I never said that but my answer is no."[Ethan comes over and wraps his arms around me I can feel his erection against my belly he looks me in the eyes I feel his hands on my ass I say:]"Ethan if you plan on ever getting laid again you'll take no for an answer."

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