Can't Get Enough

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*April's pov*

[Three months later May 16th Ethan and I have been out every night since we met I'm having lunch with my girlfriends Nat says:]

"Will asked me out."

"Yea? What'd you tell him?"

"We went out last night and I'm telling you ladies third best night of my life. I had a great time and he stayed over last night."

"April how's it going with Ethan? Matt says that Ethan can't stop talking about you."

"Good. We've been out every night since we met and don't get me wrong I love going to the nice places but I'm also kind of ready to throw on a t shirt and some jeans and just relax."

"Hmm. Have you kissed yet?"

"No. Last night we almost did but the waiter came over and ruined the moment."

"I hate it when that happens."[I text Will: {April said that she wouldn't mind going to a carnival for their date tonight. Tell Ethan to call her too. } April says:]


"Sorry what?"

"Ethan hasn't called me yet and I didn't see him on my run this morning."

"Hmm. Maybe he just didn't go on his run and his phone died."

"Or maybe he's not that interested and he's ignoring me."

[Ethan is walking down the street he's with a woman they're talking April looks up at them she says with a lump in her throat:]

"Or maybe he's just like every other guy. I'm going back to work."

"April? Hi."


"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"This is my sister Emily. She's staying with me for a few weeks."

"So this is April. The one who you went out with last night? And the one you said was smoking hot? And the one you said had a pretty smile even through the pain? And the one you said had eyes like chocolate drops?"


"Oops. Was I not supposed to say all that?"

"April would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?"

"You asked me last night and I told you if you call me."

"I dropped my phone in the sink washing dishes."

"Well here. I don't usually give guys my number twice but I'll give you a free pass. Don't lose it."[I write my number down and whisper in Ethan's ear:]"Especially since I just shaved and waxed. We're going to my favorite dive bar tonight wear something comfortable. And if you're lucky I might even wear my little black dress."

"I'm gonna go get a new phone. I'll see you tonight."

"Maybe you will. I have a number of guys lining up at the door."

"Tell your boyfriends you're booked for tonight."

"No I'm not unless you call me."[An hour later we're still eating lunch my phone rings I answer:]"Hello?"

"So this dive bar what's it called?"

"I'm sorry who is this?"


"Could you be more specific? I know like four Ethan's."

"Ethan Choi."

"Why hello Ethan Choi. I see you got a phone."

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