Misery, Tragedy, And All Their Friends

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*April's pov*
[Two weeks later March 13th Rafi has been in the hospital for two weeks Ethan and I are fighting at the house as he's packing he says:]

"I'm leaving April. There's nothing you can do or say to make me change my mind."

"Ethan what the hell am I supposed to tell our kids?!"

"That I had to go overseas. I'm sure you will think of something."

"How can you just leave me and your kids? I'm pregnant for crying out loud."

"I got a lawyer you should have the papers within a few days."

"Wait you already have paperwork drawn up?"


"Did you ever love me? Does this ring mean anything to you? Is it just that easy?"

"I'll be back tomorrow morning to some stuff."


"I love you April."

[Ethan kisses me we kiss slowly and passionately we continue to kiss I say:]

"If it's really over just give me this one last night. Please."

"What about the babies?"

"They're fine."[two hours later Ethan and I are laying in bed out of breath I snuggle up to him drawing my name on his chest I ask:]"Wanna go again?"

"I'm gonna take a shower."

"I'll join you."

"No. Get off of me."

"Ethan. Why are you filing for divorce?"[He comes over and chokes me pinning me to the wall saying:]

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant? Huh? They are my babies too! You and I both know it's not because of the miscarriages."

"Please let go. You're hurting me."[Ethan lets go and goes into the bathroom the phone rings I lean over and grab it off the nightstand I answer:]"Hello?"

"I'm looking for Ethan. Who's this?"

"His wife who's this?"

"Raquel. Could you tell him to call me back and that I had a great time last night."

"Sure."[I put his phone back on the nightstand and get dressed I pack two bags, take my rings off and put them on the nightstand I take my bags to the car I go into the twins room Gia is sleeping in Rafi's bed I wake her up and say:]"Hey babe do you want to go on vacation?"


"Colorado. They've got mountains."

"Okay. Can bubba come too?"

"Great. Bubba can come too."[I grab their favorite books and stuffed animals I pack for the twins Frankie comes in she looks at me and says:]

"What's going on?"[Mom looks up at me I can see the bruising I say:]"Does he know?"

"No. We've gotta hurry."

"Can we stop by the Halsteads? I'm already packed."

"Only for a minute."[Gia puts her coat on I put her in the car Frankie comes over with a duffel bag she puts it in the backseat we leave and go to Erin's I knock on the door she opens it and says:]

"April? It's the middle of the night. What's going on?"

"You guys have a cabin in Colorado right?"

"Yea. Why?"

"Erin I."

[I turn the porch light on and see the bruises April looks scared she's shaking I say:]

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