That's What It's Made For

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*April's pov*

[Four weeks later March 16th I still haven't gone back to work Ethan and I got in a fight last night Frankie and Gia are still barely speaking to me Nancy, Lewis, Emily, Asher and Hope are here. I'm laying in bed when the phone rings I answer it's Maggie:]


"Hey. I just wanted to check on you and see how you and the
kids were doing."

"We're fine Maggie. You can stop calling me every week."

"Your in laws beg to differ. Nancy said you haven't been out of the house since the funeral. You need to start nursing again April your babies need you."

"I can't okay! I can't get them to latch on and it's just easier to pump."

"I'm coming over after work tonight and we're going for a walk."

"I gotta go."[I hang up and take a shower I walk out of the bathroom and see Ethan sitting on the bed he says:]


"Jesus you scared the piss out of me. I didn't hear you come in. Where'd you go last night?"


"Your car was gone and you never came to bed. Where'd you go?"

"Nowhere. You done in the bathroom?"

"Yea shower is all yours."[I go over to my dresser and pull on underwear Ethan comes over he kisses my neck and shoulder I say:]"Stop. I'm not in the mood."

"I've been gone since December and you're not in the mood?"

"Cut it out."[I pull on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt Ethan is standing in front of me he kisses me forcefully pushing me against the wall I try to move and say:]"Ethan get off of me!"

"I want you. Don't you want me baby?"

"You're drunk. Get off of me!"[Ethan steps away from me I go into Rafi's room I pick up his teddy bear sit on his bed crying Ethan comes in he says:]

"Maybe you shouldn't be in here so soon with all these memories."

"My son just died Ethan!"

"OUR son. Don't you think I know that? My heart is just as broken."

"You're broken? I haven't slept in a fucking WEEK! I wasn't there for him!"[Ethan and I start fighting Frankie yells:]

"Stop it! Just please stop fighting! You're just making everything worse!"[I go into my room and slam the door Gia looks at me she takes my headphones off and says:]

"I'm sorry sissy I didn't want to hear them fighting again."

"It's okay Gia just ask next time."

"I knew that Rafael was gonna die. I could feel him stop breathing. I felt it when his heart stopped."

"Come here. I'm so sorry. I will always be here."[Gia breaks down sobbing into my shirt I hold her tightly and kiss her head she looks up and says:]

"I wanna go see bubba."

"We'd have to ask."

"They're just gonna say it's too soon. But I need to talk to him."

"Okay we can go."[we go downstairs Mom and Dad are in the kitchen talking to our grandparents aunt Emily, and uncle Asher. Mom says:]

"Where you girls headed?"

"Going to see Rafi."

"It's too soon baby girl why don't you go play in your room."

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