Rough Waters

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*Noah's pov*

[Decemer 15th it's almost Christmastime Kaden is almost four Abigail is two months old. We're eating dinner when Kaden says:]

"I'm finished."

"You've still got vegetables on your plate son."

"I don't like vegetables Momma."

"You need to eat them."


"Excuse me? You don't talk to your mother like that do you understand me Kaden?"

"Yes sir."

"Now finish your dinner or you're going to your room."

"No! I don't like vegetables!!"

[Kaden throws his plate across the room and starts throwing a tantrum Noah looks at me and says:]

"What do you want to do?"

"He's going to get a spanking if he wakes Abigail up."

"Don't you think he's too young for that Sarah? I mean he's only three years old."

"Noah I am here with him everyday while you go to work. I'm not just a housewife and mother. I haven't seen my girlfriends other than birthday parties and weddings ever since we had kids. I have no social life. Please just get him to stop."

"Kaden Reese Sexton eat your dinner right now."


"Sarah what do I do?"

"He's your son! Noah do something before he wakes her up!"

[I pick Kaden up and take him into the bathroom I call April she answers:]

"Rafael Joseph Sexton-Choi if I tell you to stop hitting you sister one more time you're gonna be in big trouble mister! Hey Noah what's going on?"

"This might seem silly but I need parenting advice. Kaden threw a fit at dinner over his vegetables and threw the plate across the room. Sarah is frustrated and I don't know what to do."

"Do you and Sarah spank him?"

"No. Don't you think he's a little young?"

"Noah I'm gonna tell you what Nancy told me: if he's old enough to talk back he's old enough to get popped. Spank him and let him know that it is not okay for him to act that way at the dinner table. He's going to eat his food or he can go in his room."

"How are you doing?"

"Me? I'm great. Francesca it is Gia's turn to play Mario Kart."

"I heard you and Ethan are getting remarried."

"Yea. We're going to the courthouse sometime this week."


"I'll call you later. I love you April."

"Love you too Noah."

"Bye."[I hang up Kaden looks up at me and says:]

"I'm not eating my vegetables."

"You're gonna eat your vegetables and if you don't then you don't get any dessert and you're going to bed early. I'm doing this because I love you and I want you to have good manners. Do you understand?"

"Yes daddy."

[I can hear Noah spanking Kaden they come out of the bathroom. Noah puts a plate of vegetables in front of Kaden and says:]

"Apologize to your mother."

"I'm sorry I didn't listen Momma."

"Thank you."

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