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So I know what you're all thinking... WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!? WHY WOULD YOU JUST DITCH THE STORY AND LEAVE US ALL HANGING FOR A WHOLE YEAR?!? YOURE THE WORST PERSON EVER. lol I know I am. I apologize from the bottom of my heart but let me just explain myself. So yes, I stopped writing about a year ago because I was going to visit my relatives. And I wasn't able to update while I was away from home. But when I got home, I took a break from watt pad and didn't plan on updating for a few days and then some crazy things have happened in my life. I did move so I no longer live where I did a year ago for reasons that I do not feel like sharing and that was a very stressful experience (for me at least) and I've been working on getting my life back on track so please don't hate me. My life has been very busy and difficult lately and I rarely have time to myself anymore... But what made me come back??? Well I can't answer that. I had forgotten about watt pad due to my new hectic lifestyle and I hope that is understandable. But today I was sitting here and thinking... OMG I HAVENT BEEN ON WATTPAD IN OVER A YEAR!!! THATS CRAZY!!! So out of curiosity, I logged on to my account and read some of the things you guys were writing. The obvious comments and posts were out of frustration because I haven't updated in trillions of years (completely understandable) and some rude ones (whatever to you rude people) and then some of them were so nice. You guys were telling me to continue and that you guys love my story and I need to finish it. Well all of you guys leaving such wonderful comments is the reason I decided I NEED to finish this story. (I may not write anymore but this story must be finished. I can't make any promises about futures stories. I may possibly continue to write, or I may not because my life is very crazy atm and probably will continue to be.) but YOU GUYS THAT STILL LEAVE COMMENTS EVEN THOUGH I HAVENT BEEN AROUND FOR A YEAR AND WERE CONCERNED IF I AM OKAY AND SUCH, YOU GUYS MOTIVATED ME TO FINISH THIS STORY. I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU ALL :) YOU GUYS ARE THE REASON THIS STORY WILL BE FINISHED.

I have been stressed and exhausted lately so please just bare with me. I need to get back into the swings of things. Hopefully my writing won't be crap.

So my sincerest apologies go out to you guys and I am truly grateful you guys stuck around so that this story could be finished. <3

And I have even better news for you all!



Chapter Fourty-Nine

I felt like I had lost a part of me. But I know this is the best. It has to be. Julia needs someone who can be there for her when she needs it. And I can't do that.

Maybe it took me this long to realize this. My life is so crazy that there will be times when I have to leave Julia and I won't be able to be there for her. Is it really worth it to do that to her? She can find someone better than me. Someone who will be there for her all the time, whenever, wherever.

I hadn't realized I even fell asleep during my mental breakdown until we arrived at the airport. My sunglasses were hiding my swollen, puffy eyes as I picked my head up and looked around beginning to realize where I was. The rest of the boys got out of the vehicle and I followed. Grabbing my luggage, I realized something strange. No one was talking. Probably because no one knows what to say after my tantrum.

But I guess this silence is best.

We went through the back entrance to avoid running into any fans and were immediately boarded onto our plane. We had the plane to ourselves which was very peaceful. Our luggage was taken care of and I quickly took my seat because I just wanted to be alone. I didn't feel like talking. Or thinking. Or eating. Or anything.

I put my headphones in my ears to block out my surroundings. The boys took their seats and I watched as the plane soon after began to take off. I let out a sigh and once again let my eyes slowly drift shut. All I wanted to do was sleep and that is exactly what I did.

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