Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

It's one day before our show in Pittsburgh. Niall made a full recovery last night. Harry...I still don't know. He slept the rest of the day after I came back from the store. He still has no idea I left. I'd like to keep it that way just so he doesn't worry about me.

Right now, I'm sleeping. I dreamed of being locked in a book store all night. It wasn't that bad. I had food and water because there was a Starbucks in the store as well. I read somewhere around three books. I didn't need to sleep. I was just about to be freed from the store before something woke me up.

"Ellie! Wake up!" someone shouted.

My eyes flew open to find Harry jumping on the bed. He was smiling and he didn't seem sick anymore.

"What the hell are you doing? You're going to make yourself sick."

He stopped jumping and sat down next to me. His skin wasn't pale anymore and his eyes were the vibrant green colour that I loved. I knew he wasn't sick anymore and it wasn't because he looked better. It was because he leaned in and kissed me. If he was still sick, he wouldn't have done that.

I smiled under his lips. It felt like forever since he last kissed me. I moved my mouth with his as he placed his hand on my cheek. I ran my hands through his unruly hair. He pulled back breathless and smiled.

"I've been wanting to do that," he winked.

"So you're not sick anymore?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I feel fine. I haven't thrown up since yesterday before you told me that story."

I smiled at him. "I'm happy you're feeling better."

"Was everything you said true?" he asked, changing the subject.

"About what?"

"In your story. The day your parents told you you're adopted."

I bowed my head a little to avoid eye contact with him. I played with the charm bracelet Louis got me for my birthday.

I slowly nodded. "Yes." I felt a small tear slip out of my eye and down my face. I wiped it away before Harry noticed.

"Ellie, I'm sorry. I know that must have been hard to hear. Hard to believe even." He took my hand and rubbed small circles into it.

I nodded. "It was. I still have trouble realizing it even now that I've met Jay and I found out who I am." I paused for a few seconds and took a deep breath. "When my father told me I was adopted, I thought it was a joke. I thought he was just playing a prank on me. He was a playful dad. Rarely did he ever talk to me in a serious tone, but when he did, I listened. I seriously thought it was a joke."

"When did they tell you?"

"A couple years before the accident."

Harry sighed. "I'm sorry, love."

"I just don't get it. Why did they have to tell me? Why couldn't they have kept it to themselves? I understand most kids would want to know but not me. Back then, knowing I was adopted made me feel like the biggest freak ever. I felt like I didn't belong. Like I was some kind of dog living with a family of cats. I hated it. Sure I told my parents I was fine, but it was eating me from the inside out. I didn't know what to do. I had no one to talk to," I cried.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. It's alright," Harry cooed.

I shook my head. "Sometimes I wish I died in that car too. It would have made everything so much simpler. I wouldn't have to live my life in doubt."

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