Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Skydiving?!" I questioned.

"Yeah. It'll be fun," smiled Shailene.

"You're crazy!" I exclaimed.

"It's always good to try something new on your birthday," said Theo.

I was currently at a skydiving lesson with the lads, their girlfriends, Kerri, Theo and Shailene. Kat and Kaylee had to rebook their hotel then they were going to meet us here. The 5SOS lads were running a little late too.

It was Theo and Shailene's idea to come here. I guess since they forgot to buy me a birthday present they felt the need to take me skydiving. I really didn't mind them forgetting. I mean, I just met them. I didn't expect them to get me anything, but they insisted on it. I'm still trying to convince them I don't want to skydive, though.

"I don't know," I shook my head.

"C'mon Ellie! It'll be fun!" Louis exclaimed.

"Yeah! Take a risk for once in your life," said Niall.

"But Zayn's not going," I complained.

"Because there is no way I am jumping out of a plane. Plus I have to stay with Natalie," Zayn interfered.

"Why can't I stay down here with you then?"

"Because this is for your birthday," said Kerri.

I groaned. "Okay, fine. I'll do it."

The lads cheered. "Okay. So who's coming up to skydive?" asked Shailene.

A few people raised their hands. I kept my hand down. Harry noticed though and raised it for me.

"Ellie, Harry, Niall, Kerri, Sabby, Harley, and me," said Louis as he counted the number of hands raised.

"Great!" smiled Theo.

"Let's go," said Sabby.

Everyone started to run toward the building. Everyone except me, of course. I slowly walked up to the entrance. Harry noticed and fell back to walk with me.

"You okay?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Yeah. Just a little shaken about jumping out of a plane."

He chuckled. "Don't worry. We can jump together."

"Thanks, but I don't think that's gonna help. I'm scared about jumping by myself."

"No. I meant we can be strapped into the same harness. They have two people harnesses. If it makes you feel safer, I don't have a problem jumping with you."

I smiled up at him. "Thanks Haz. I appreciate it."

Harry slung his arm over my shoulders and we walked into he building after the others. We followed them through a few doors before Theo and Shailene turned to face us.

"Okay. First rule of skydiving: wear the appropriate attire," said Theo.

"Girls if you'll follow me, I'll lead you to a locker room where you can change," explained Shailene.

Harry let go of me and pushed me along before I had a chance to protest. Kerri smiled as I walked beside her.

"Are you excited?" she asked.

"Not really. More like afraid for my life."

"If it wasn't safe, why would Louis or Harry agree to take you here?"

"I don't know. To scare me?"

"Not a chance. They are too protective of you. If either one of them thought this was a bad idea, none of us would be here. You have nothing to worry about."

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