Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I woke up to the sound of Niall yelling. I had such a headache. What happened yesterday? The last thing I remember was taking those pills Louis gave me. Everything after that is fuzzy. Why is Niall yelling? He's making my headache worse. Oh wait, today is...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELLIE!" Niall exclaimed as he burst into my room.

I sat up in bed and smiled slightly. "Thanks, Niall," I said sleepily. He smiled as he walked toward me with a tray in his hands. He set the tray on my lap. "What is this?"

"Breakfast in bed. I made it for you this morning," he explained.

Wow, Niall made food instead of eating it. I'm impressed already. He prepared me a meal of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. I looked up at him and smiled.

"There were pancakes, but I got hungry while cooking the bacon," he confessed.

I giggled. "Thank you, Niall. You're the best." I set the tray next to me and got up to hug him. He smelled like the food he just made. He pulled back from me and had me sit down again.

"Today is your day. Whatever you want, it's yours. We have an awesome day planned for you. I promise you're going to love it. For now, eat your breakfast before I do."

With that, Niall left the room. I laid back in my bed and set the tray on my lap once again. I picked at the eggs that Niall made me. They were actually really good. I had no idea he could cook. I'm very impressed.

I picked up my phone from the bedside table. It's been vibrating for a while. My notifications were blowing up. This is ridiculous. I unlocked my phone to see almost all of the notifications were from Twitter. I had a few text messages along with that.

I opened Twitter first. My news feed was filled with tweets from fans wishing me a happy birthday. #HappyBirthdayEllie was trending. Wow, I didn't realize how many fans I had. A few tweets stuck out at me.

@adamlevine: So proud of you and how far you've come. Can't wait to buy your first album. Love ya El! #HappyBirthdayEllie

@JohannahDarling: Love you sweetheart! Enjoy your 18th birthday!

@bouncybeau: #HappyBirthdayEllie if I don't get to see you today I'm gonna take all my anger out on Louis!

@KerriAnnConlon: Yay you're legal! I'll buy you your first drink! #HappyBirthdayEllie

@louteasdale: Lux has been running around the house singing Happy Birthday for hours! She's so excited. Happy Birthday girlie! :)

I read a few fans' tweets before logging out of Twitter. I opened my messages and smiled at the first one.

From Louis:
Hey El! Hope I didn't wake you. Just wanted to say...HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE SISTER! I LOVE YOU!

From Simon:
Happy Birthday superstar! Have fun today! You deserve it. Tour starts tomorrow. Be ready!

From Aunt Jen:
Happy Birthday sweetie. I can't believe you're all grown up. I can't wait to see you. Hope you have a great day. Love you!

From Lou:
Happy Birthday Ellie! Lux said she loves you. :) Hopefully we'll see you today.

From Sabby:

From Chris:
Happy Birthday short stack! :) Have an awesome day. Eat some cake for me. Love you, Ellie.

From Adam:
Happy Birthday El! Can't wait to see you on tour. I already bought my ticket. Blake is coming with me. :)

From Harley:
Are you gonna get drunk tonight? You're finally 18. You might as well just do it. Haha. Happy Birthday girl!

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