Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The next morning I woke up in a different bed without Harry next to me. I was in a completely different house for that matter. I sat up in bed and looked around at the room. I was in the guest room at Niall's house. How did I get here? I thought I went home with Harry. Maybe that alcohol really got to me.

I tried to get out of bed but I fell to the floor. I held my head in my hands. If someone would have told me that hangovers were this bad, I wouldn't have drank anything. Ugh, this sucks.

I heard pounding feet on the stairs before my door burst open. I was expecting Niall, but I was faced with Liam instead. He ran to my side and helped me back onto the bed. He reached over to the bedside table and picked up a bottle of pills and a glass of water.

"Here. Take two. It'll take the pain away," he said as he handed me the pills and water. He opened the bottle for me since I would struggle with it. I dumped the pill bottle on the bed and picked out two. Liam looked at me with that what are you doing look I get at least once a week. I shrugged my shoulders and swallowed the pills.

Liam rolled his eyes at me before putting all the pills back in the bottle. I laid back in bed and started to close my eyes.

"Sorry, Liam. I just don't feel good. Hangovers suck," I said.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I know. That's why I didn't drink last night. It's only your first time, though. I'm sure once you get used it the hangovers won't be as bad."

I sat up again and gave him my are you crazy look. "You're kidding. I'm never doing that again. Feeling like this is the worst thing ever."

"I can think of a few things that are worse," Liam said.

"Like what?" I asked.

He looked at me once all the pills were cleaned up. "Trust me, you don't want me to get into it."

"C'mon, Li. What could possibly be worse?"

"I'm sure you could name a few things. You've been to hell and back, El. This hangover should be nothing."

I know he's right. I just don't like to think about it. Everything I've seen, heard, and been through is a lot worse than some dumb hangover. I've witnessed horrible things. Some I haven't even talked about yet. Some I haven't even told the lads yet. I don't think I ever will.

"Get up and get dressed. We have to pack today so we can go on tour. First show is tonight. We have to be at the arena by six o'clock. Show starts at eight."

I groaned as Liam left the room. Going on tour should be fun, but packing is the bad part. I hate packing but Liam's right. I should probably get started.

I got out of bed once again and walked into my cupboard. I took out all of my clothes and threw them onto my bed. I folded them neatly before finding my suitcase. I threw the suitcase on the bed and started to pack my clothes. I managed to fit all of my clothes in that suitcase. Now shutting it is going to be the hard part. I tried zipping it shut but failed miserably. I tried sitting on it and closing it but still no such luck. Maybe if I get one of the boys to sit on it, I'll be able to shut it.

I racing downstairs without a second thought. To my surprise, I found all of the boys sitting in the living room.

"Can I use one of your bums for a minute?" I asked. They looked at me like I just asked them to jump off a cliff. Okay, so maybe my wording was kind of odd.

"Uh, what do you need them for?" Zayn nervously asked.

"I need one of you to sit on my suitcase so I can zip it shut," I explained.

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