Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

After Lou finished getting me ready, Harry and I met up with the lads and Jules. They were in the room where I woke up. When Jules saw me, she almost jumped out of her skin.

"Oh my God! Ellie, you look gorgeous!" she exclaimed.

I giggled. "Thanks, Jules. So do you!"

A smile spread across her face. "Thanks. While you were sleeping, I met Lou and she decided to dress me up."

Jules was wearing a dress that fit her perfectly. It was a little bit longer than my dress, so it came about to her mid-thighs. It was a cream coloured dress with lace lining her collar. It honestly looked perfect on her. Her make-up was subtle. A little bit of eye liner, faint soft pink blush, and baby pink lipstick. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun. It actually tied the whole look together.

"That's great. The dress really suits you," I smiled. I walked past her and over to the couch. I sat down while everyone else stared at me. It felt awkward. "What?"

"Are you crazy? The meet and greet starts soon," said Liam as he pulled me off the couch.

"Oh, crap. I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's okay. We just have to go," said Zayn.

Zayn pushed me out the door while everyone else followed after. We walked through a few hallways before reaching the another door. Zayn stopped pushing me and I turned around.

"Would you mind if I talked to my family alone?" I asked. This was my only chance to convince them Harry isn't as bad as I made him out to be. If I don't do this, they won't give him a chance.

"Sure, but we still want to meet them," said Louis.


I opened the door to the room, leaving the rest of them in the hallway. Paul was standing in the room along with another body guard, who I learned is named Arthur.

"Where are the boys?" Paul asked.

"They're waiting outside. I just wanted a few minutes with my family before they came in."

"Okay. Would you like me to go out and get them?"

"Yes please. They're names are Jen Roberts, Chris Roberts, and Paul Matthews."

He chuckled. "You have a family member named Paul?"

"Kind of. He's my cousin's best friend."

"That's funny," he said as he exited the room. I leaned against the wall as I waited for Paul to return with my family. I'm so excited to see them. It feels like forever since I saw them last. Especially Paul. I haven't seen him since we moved to New York last year.

In close to no time, Paul came back into the room with my family behind him. As soon as I saw them, I ran over and hugged the first person I could. It just so happened to be Chris. He squeezed me tight before passing me over to Aunt Jen. And soon after, I was hugging Paul. Once he released me, I stood in front of them with a wide grin on my face. I could feel a few tears fall down my face. I quickly wiped them away as I stood there.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so happy to see you," I chuckled.

"Aww, El. It's alright," smiled Chris.

"Where's that band of yours? I want to meet your brother," said Aunt Jen.

"Okay, but before you do, I need to talk to you," I said.

"Sure. Of course."

I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "You have to forget all of the bad things I've said about Harry and Louis. They've done everything they can for me since I've been with them and I've forgiven them for what happened. They've helped me through a lot. Trust me, a lot has happened. Louis is my brother and I love him. I don't want you guys to judge him from what I've told you. And Harry is such a sweet guy who's really nervous to meet you. They've taken care of me and I don't want anything to be awkward between any of us. Can you please forget all of that? For me?"

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