Hawaii 4

7 0 0

I woke up to da sound of talking

Derrick was on da phone

Cookie - who da hell u talking too at 4 sum in da morning

Derrick - nobody baby .... I'll call u later

Cookie - who da hell u on da phone wit

Derrick - nobody go to bed

Cookie - don't touch me

I laid back down and woke up

I woke up

Cookie - shit

I jumped out my sleep I woke up Derrick

Derrick - u ok

Cookie - yea had a strange dream

Derrick - ohh ok cum back to sleep bae

I kissed ha

Derrick - good night

Cookie - night

In da morning

I got up and bae was sleep

I took a shower

I got out and put on my yellow skirt wit my black blouse and my yellow sandals

I took da keys to da car and just headed out

But first I went to get sum to eat

I ate sum pancakes and I had sum orange juice

Jared - hey cookie

Cookie - hi

Jared - u ok

Cookie - yea

Jared - ok

Cookie - well how are u

Jared - good

Cookie - ohh

I got a phone call from Derrick

Cookie - yea

Derrick - u ok baby

Cookie - yea I'll tell u bout it later

Derrick - ok baby I'll cook u sum later on

Cookie - ok bae

I went back home and told Derrick wat I dreamed about

Derrick - so u think I'm cheating on u

Cookie - not really

Derrick - well y u told me

Cookie - cause I just........u know wat neva mind forget it I'm done

I just sat der

Cookie - u always starting a damn argument

Derrick - baby I was just asking

Cookie - don't talk to me till we get home

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