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I woke up in da morning in my house

Derrick was sitting on da bed

I felt something squirming on me

It was Angel

I was naked

She was naked on me too

Derrick - hey baby

Cookie - hey

He kissed my cheek

Derrick - she just got out da tub bae I took her a bath

Cookie - thank u bae

I picked her up

Derrick - u ready to hit da tub baby

Cookie - yea

I got up and Derrick had my clothes on da bed

Derrick - ima go put clothes on ha and I ran u a bubble bath

Cookie - ok

I went in da bathroom and looked he had pink rose pedals in da tub and on da floor

I hopped in da tub

Bae walked in

He was taking off his clothes

He got in da tub and laid back on me

I was playing in his hair

We was talking and laughing

We stayed in da tub fo bout a couple minutes more and den got out

Derrick - bae I want u to cum to da park today

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