at da park

18 0 0

Me and Angel was sitting down on a bench under a shade

Bae was playin basketball

Cookie - hey Angel

I was tickling her under her neck

Cookie - hey big baby

She was laughing

Da boys took a break

Bae and two other boys came by me

Derrick - hey baby

He kissed my cheek

Cookie - hey boo

Derrick - hey cutie pie

Angel was looking at him

Cookie - pinch his nose

T - hey cookie

Cookie - hey

Da boys dat bae used to go out wit walked up to me

Jae - hey cookie

I looked at him and rolled my eyes

Buck - hey cookie

I looked at him and rolled my eyes

Derrick - just leave her alone

Cookie - bae

Derrick - yea

He sat down beside me

Cookie - can u hold Angel bae

Derrick - yea bae where u fenna go

Cookie - go get ha sum ice cream

Derrick - aight look in my pocket

Cookie - bae u know how i am

Derrick - bae get it

I got da money and went to get her ice cream

I had Angel in my lap

Derrick - hey baby girl

She rolled her eyes at me

Derrick - y u being mean to daddy I luv u

Jae - D

Derrick - yea

Jae - she urs

Derrick - hell yea she mines

Buck - y u ask dat man dat stupid question can't u tell

Derrick - slow ass

Cookie - Derrick

Derrick - ahh shit yea baby

Cookie - stop cursing round ha

Derrick - alright bae

I sat down got Angel and fed her ice cream

Derrick - give me sum

Cookie - no dis me and Angel stuff

Derrick - y

Cookie - ain't u playin basketball

Derrick - yea bae mean self I still luv u

He kissed my cheek

Cookie - yea bae

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