hospital 2

16 0 0

I took me a shower and did other stuff den I fed Mara and Alex

I took me a shower and did other stuff den I fed Mara and Alex

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I had on dat wit my white fuzzy slides

Derrick bringing Angel and me sum food

Mara had on a pink wanzie and white socks wit a white hat

Alex had on a black wanzie and white socks and a white hat

I had both of dem swaddled

Mara was sleep so I was rocking Alex

Angel - mama

Cookie - shhhh

She hugged me and kissed my cheek

Derrick - der go yo baby brother and sister

Cookie - hey boo

He kissed me

Derrick - hey boo u aight

Cookie - yea boo I am

Derrick - ok

She kissed my cheek

Derrick - how long she been sleep

Cookie - bout a hour and Alex look like he bout ready to go to sleep

Derrick - no he gotta stay up fo daddy

He got him out of my arms

Angel - ma wats ha name

Cookie - Da'Mara Nicole Jones

Angel - ohh wats my name

I laughed

Derrick - Angel Nicole Johnson

Cookie - yep

She laid in my bed

Alex went to sleep so bae put him down

Derrick - baby I might not be able to cum and get u

Cookie - y

Derrick - cause I gotta train maybe

Cookie - but Derrick

Derrick - ik baby

Cookie - u always training u neva got time fo me no mo

She rolled her eyes and laid down in ha bed

Derrick - but baby

Cookie - yea ik we have time on da weekends and I still luv u ik

Derrick - bae

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