Hawaii 3

10 0 0

I woke up to da sound of snoring

Derrick - ain't no way

I got out of bed and grabbed a pillow

Derrick - ha big mouth ass

I hit ha wit a pillow

She got up

Cookie - did u really just hit me

Derrick - yea u snoring

She looked at me and rolled ha eyes

Derrick - I'm sorry

She laid back down

I kissed ha and she punched me

Derrick - really

She rolled over

I went in da kitchen

I ate da rest of my Chinese food

And watched tv

She walked in

She rolled ha eyes at me

Derrick - manly ass

Cookie - sweet ass

Derrick - well let me be sweet

Cookie - yea

She walked off

Cookie - wat should I do today

I walked in da room

I put on me a sun dress and my sandals and walked on da beach

Derrick - where u going

Cookie - out to da beach

Derrick - aight I'll be out der sooner or later

Cookie - ok

He kissed me

I walked out i was sitting at dis daiquiri stand

Jared - hey cookie

Cookie - how da hell u know where I was

Jared - I always know where my baby at

Cookie - ok

I was bout to walk off

Jared - wait

Cookie - wat

Jared - well uhh I'm sorry cookie bout everything

Cookie - I guess it's ok

Jared - well ik u here on yo honey moon and ion wanna ruin it but here's a wedding gift

Jared gave me a gift basket

Cookie - aww thank u

I gave him a hug

Jared - ur welcome I felt bad fo doing da stuff I did

Cookie - well I guess I can forgive u

Jared - aight

Derrick - baby

Jared - well I guess I'll go

Derrick - yea u should

Cookie - shut up bye Jared

Jared - bye cookie

He walked off

Derrick - baby

Cookie - wat

Derrick - wat u doing out here

Cookie - nun relaxing

Derrick - ohh

He saw da gift basket

Derrick - He gave u this

Cookie - yea

Derrick - throw it away

Cookie - no it's a wedding gift y

Derrick - it's from yo ex

Cookie - well so

Derrick - well so nun it's from yo ex

Cookie - it's a wedding gift

Derrick - well it's from yo ex

Cookie - give it here

I snatched it out his hands

I got my stuff and went back to da house

I put da gift basket on da counter and sat on da couch

Derrick - u gon throw it away

Cookie - u know wat if it makes u feel better I'll throw u and dis damn honey moon away

Derrick - I said da basket

I threw da basket against da wall

Derrick - thank u

He tried to kiss me

Cookie - don't touch me

He grabbed my face

Derrick - I'm tired of yo attitude

Cookie - well

I kicked him in da balls

Cookie - u always ruining sum u know wat I wanna go home I'm done wit dis honey moon

Derrick - how and y

Cookie - how cause I can't neva have a good time and y cause u always being a bitch

Derrick - so wat u telling me is u wanna go home cause I made u mad

I was quiet

Derrick - so u mad now

Cookie - I'm not talking to u

I got da gift basket and went outside and looked through it

He had a card in it

Jared : To my first love I hope u enjoy dis basket and I hope u and Derrick enjoy ur marriage

Cookie - aww dats cute

It had two mugs in it but I broke da one dat says Mrs. fo wen I threw it against da wall

It had chocolate and essential oils in it and bath salts and it had a two little teddy bears holding hands

Cookie - aww

Derrick came outside

Derrick - baby

I got quite

Derrick - I'm sorry

I looked through da rest of da stuff

Derrick - I'm sorry baby

Cookie - yep

He looked at me

He kissed my cheek

Cookie - can u atleast stop acting like da ignorant person u are

Derrick - I'll try baby

Cookie - no it ain't no try u gon do it

Derrick - I won't make a promise but yea baby I'll do it

I kissed him

Cookie - ok

Me and him went in da house and he was looking through da stuff wit me

Derrick - u tired baby

Cookie - yea

I went to sleep

Derrick - night baby

Cookie - night boo

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