back at home

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Me and bae was in da house

I unlocked da door

I walked in and every body surprised us

Dewayne - y'all had fun

Derrick - yea

Cookie - nope

I went up stairs

Dewayne - u can't neva do right wat yo dumb ass do now

I picked up my two twins and Angel hugged me

Jay - wat it's y'all honey moon wat u do

I went down stairs and got my kids

Cookie - cum on mamas babies

I got my kids and took dem to bed

Cookie - good night y'all

Every body - good night

I put dem to bed and cherry helped me and talked to me

Dewayne - Jr wat happened

Jay - u pissed ha off over sum stupid

Derrick - yea cause fo sum reason Jared he is ha ex and he followed us and gave us a gift basket I told her to throw it away and she got mad and den da day after dat she had a dream bout me cheating on ha and she told me bout it and I really didn't care cause I luv ha and she know dat

Dewayne - really u dumb ass

Jay - to be honest u don't deserve ha

Derrick - wat

Jay - u don't i mean it was y'all honey moon and u still pissed ha off

Derrick - well we was ok until Jared came

Dewayne - well I'm gon

Jay - me too

Cherry walked down stairs wit cookie

Jay - aight cookie

Cookie - bye Jay

Jay - bye

I fixed two bottles

Derrick - baby

Cookie - yea

I kissed ha cheek

Derrick - go to bed I got it

Cookie - nahh I just feel like I don't need help since we back to our usual lifestyle arguing, me at home all da time, u gon all da time and me taking of my kids by myself

Derrick - stop it

I kissed and hugged ha

Derrick - I luv u baby

Cookie - luv u 2

Derrick - sorry I ruined da honey moon

Cookie - nahh it was just Jared dats all

Derrick - really

Cookie - yea

I heard Alex

Derrick - Is dat my little twin me

Cookie - yea

I got my son and kissed him on da forehead

Derrick - take a pic of us bae

Cookie - ok

I got my phone and took pictures of dem

Me and Angel staid up watching spongebob

He was talking to Alex I went to go check on dem

Cookie - Derrick y'all aight

Derrick - yea baby

I kissed his cheek

I kissed ha cheek

Cookie - Alex hey my baby

I kissed his cheek

Cookie - good night Derrick don't forget bout Alex gotta go to bed

Derrick - night bae aight

I went back to bed

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