Home Alone

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Cookie on da phone

Cookie- bae

Derrick - wat bae

Cookie - I'm bored

Derrick - how u bored

Cookie - cause I'm at home by myself

Derrick -u is

Cookie- yea

Derrick - I'm a come over and ima have a surprise for u

Cookie - how long it's gon take

Derrick- bout 20 minutes

Cookie- hurry up bae

Derrick - ok bae I will

Cookie - ok boo

Derrick - bye baby

Cookie- bye boo

So while I wait on bae I clean up my room and play music

I got on my socks, tights and a crop top

Bout 10 minutes later i heard a knock at da door

Cookie- it's open!

I heard sumbody walk towards my room

Derrick - mama bear

Cookie - baeeee!!

She ran in my arms

Cookie - i missed u

Derrick - i missed u 2

I kissed her face

Cookie- kisses

Derrick - dats all u want is my kisses

Cookie- yea bae I missed it

Derrick - i missed urs too

Cookie - aww boo

I got on a shirt, shorts, and my Nike slippers

Derrick - who u was trying to look good for

Cookie- u

Derrick - who

Cookie- bae stop dat

Derrick- who ima go back home

Cookie- daddy

Derrick - dats right

Cookie- nasty self

He put me down

Derrick- I got u sum

Cookie- like wat

Derrick- sum food

Cookie- thank u bae

Derrick - and I got u sum else

Cookie - wat is it

Derrick- it's a surprise

Cookie- well give it to me den

Derrick - ok close ur eyes

Cookie- ok

I bought ha a gold promise ring wit a heart shaped diamond in da middle

Derrick - open dem

Cookie- omg

I was holding da box in my hand

Derrick- bae I bought u this cause I wanna promise u sum things, I promise dat I would never hurt u in anyway possible, i promise to be a good man to u , I promise to luv u no matter wat happens, I'll always be by your side no matter if u need me or not I'll make sure I'll be there , if u need sum I'll buy it for u but most importantly I promise to never break ur heart as long as I live

Cookie- aww bae

My eyes started to water

Derrick- wat do u say you'll take it

Cookie- yes bae yess

I put da ring in her finger and she ran into me and hug me

Derrick- I luv u bae

Cookie - i luv u more

Derrick - cum on and eat cause I know u hungry and I'll help u clean yo room

Cookie- ok bae

So we go in da kitchen and I bought her hot chips , a burger, candy, chili cheese fries, and sum cookies

Cookie - bae I don't want u to leave me today

Derrick- ok u still wanna go to da party

Cookie- nahh I'm good I'll take a day wit u den a party any day

Derrick - me too bae

We on da couch I'm laying down and she laid on top of me

Derrick - bae

Cookie - yea

Derrick - if we was to have a baby wat would u name it

Cookie- if a boy I'll name it if a girl u name it and if twins idk

Derrick - I'll name the girl Angel

Cookie- dats cute but I'll name da boy King

Derrick - y king

Cookie - idk cause I like dat name

Derrick - ohh

Cookie- yea u want sum bae

Derrick- nahh I'll take a cookie thoo

Cookie- ok here boo

Derrick - thank u and i just realized u ain't got on no bra

Cookie- ohh yea I was tired and also I had just got out da shower

Derrick - ohh

Cookie- yea u must wanna do sum

Derrick- we ain't got to I was just sayin

Cookie- ok but I am in da mood thoo

Derrick- ok

Cookie- pick me up

I picked her up and took her to her room

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