At Bae House

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Derrick - bae I'm fenna go

Cookie - go where

She laying down in my bed

Derrick - park to play ball I'll be back round 3

Cookie - aight bye bae

Derrick - bye baby

He kissed my neck and left out

Hours later


I woke up to da sound of niggas talking and laughing

I got up and went to see where it was coming from

In da living room

I walked in and it's like 4 5 niggas looking at me

Derrick - hey bae

Cookie - y y'all so damn loud

Derrick - awe we woke u up Ms. Grouchy

Cookie - yea

Derrick - I'm sorry

He kissed me

Derrick - my bad thoo bae I ain't wanna wake u up

Cookie - it's aight

Derrick- wat u fenna do

Cookie - shit nun go lay back down

Derrick - aight I'll be there in a few

Cookie - aight

I went back to laying down and bae came back like 10 minutes later

Derrick - hey bae

Cookie - hey

He took off his shirt

Derrick - u wanna go to dat party tonight

Cookie - no

Derrick - aight

Cookie - y

Derrick - cause if u wanted to go i would have went but I ain't wanna go

Cookie - aight bae

Derrick - aight

Cookie - wat u fenna do

Derrick - take a shower and lay up wit u till da movie start

Cookie- aight

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