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I took my baby to school

And wen I got home I made my babies a bubble bath

I put cookie and Mara in da bubble bath

And me and Alex took a shower

He was biting me

Derrick - stop it Alex

He was biting my shoulder

Me and Mara got out da tub

I put her on a diaper and combed ha hair

I had on pink tights, a bra and socks

Den my boys got out da shower

Bae had a towel wrapped round his waist and Alex had a towel on his head and on his body

Derrick - hey baby

He kissed me

I kissed Alex

He kissed Mara on da cheek

Cookie - hey boo

He put on Alex a diaper and socks

He put on sum shorts and a t shirt

I put Alex beside his sister and laid down behind my baby since she was doing hair

Cookie - baby

Derrick - yess baby

Cookie - wats going on wit u and Angel

Derrick - well baby see I feel like since I been putting u through so much shit I feel like I should spend time wit my kids and finnaly I'm just doing da right thing baby dats all

Cookie - ok baby

He kissed me

Derrick - I luv u baby

Cookie - I luv u 2 boo

Derrick - ima take Alex and Mara wit me tmmrw and u can keep Angel den I'll get u last

I kissed ha cheek

Derrick - ok baby ima take a nap befo I go get my baby

Cookie - ok boo

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