love me pt. 2

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We went home

Derrick - bae

He kissed me

Cookie - no dont

Derrick - u had enough of my kisses

Cookie - yea I did boo

Derrick - aww boo

A knock at da door

I opened it

I forgot my boys was coming over but we sat on da porch

Derrick - man I had to take her out cause I felt like it

T - wat y'all do

Derrick - everything

Jae - ohh ok

Cookie - bae

T and Jae - hey cookie

Cookie - bye

T - ohh I see wat y'all did

Cookie - boo

Derrick - yea

I sat in his lap

Cookie - i want sum cookies

Derrick - damn bae

Cookie - wat I'm hungry

Derrick - aight bae

Cookie - where dey at

Derrick - in da pantry

Cookie - ok

Bae hit my booty

I kissed him

He kissed my hand

Jae - fuck man u got it good wit her

T- hell yea

Jae - shit real good

Cookie - bae

Derrick - yea

I sat on his thigh

Cookie - here

She gave my a jolly rancher

Derrick - thank u sexy

Cookie - ur welcome daddy

Derrick - cute ass

I kissed her face

Cookie - fine ass

T - how da hell

Derrick - wat i treat my queen good and I spoil her

Jae - Lord

Derrick - my baby ain't no gold digger we been together since 11th grade

Jae - damn man


We was laying down I was on his chest

Cookie - Derrick

Derrick - yea wat i do now

Cookie - i wanna talk

Derrick - ok I'm listening

Cookie - well i wanna talk bout dis relationship

Derrick - ok bae

Cookie - well Derrick i feel like u don't really pay attention to me

Derrick - y

Cookie - cause u really don't listen to me u do wat u want

Derrick - bae

Cookie - I'm fr

Derrick - i am too y would u say dat I took u out so how I don't I buy u wateva u want

Cookie - yea Derrick but everytime we fussing and arguing guess wat u just get out of control u hurt me

Derrick - ik bae

Cookie - well u need to fix it befo dat ring go to da pawn shop and u neva see yo child again

Derrick - bae chill

Cookie - I'm serious

Derrick - ik

Cookie - well y u don't act like it

Derrick - idk bae

Cookie - uhh ok as always u never care wat I'm talking bout

I got up

Derrick - bae cum on now

Cookie - ........

Derrick - bae

Cookie -..........

Derrick - huhhhh bae not again

She put da ring on da dresser

My heart dropped

Cookie - i had it

Derrick - bae

I wrapped my arms round her and kissed her cheek

Cookie - yea

Derrick - I'm sorry bae

Cookie - yea

Derrick - i am

I kissed her cheek again

Cookie - can we put our wedding on hold

Derrick - yea baby

I wrapped my arms round his waist and i laid my head on his chest

Cookie - huhh

Derrick - baby

I kissed her neck

Cookie - luv u

Derrick - i luv u more boo

Cookie - i know

I rubbed her booty and kissed her

Derrick - I'm still ur papa bear

Cookie - yea

She smiled

Derrick - alright

He bit my cheek

Derrick - so wat u wanna do

Cookie - take a break

Derrick - yea

Cookie - just a week

Derrick - a week baby ima miss u

Cookie - ik

Derrick - ok bae I guess wats today

Cookie - Friday

Derrick - aight bae

So Derrick went to his daddy house and I went to get my baby

At cherry house

Cookie - hey sis

Cherry- heyy

Cookie - hey bro

Jay - hey sis where d

Cookie - we took a break fo a week and our wedding on hold

Jay - ohh

Cookie - hey boo

Angel - mama

Cookie - ready to go

We went home

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