In da morning

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I woke up to cook me and angel sum breakfast

I woke up and T was on da couch still sleep

I got Angel up and she was laying down on my chest while I was eating and  I was feeding her

T was eating too but he left right after

I had ten text from Derrick

Morning mama bear
Did T leave yet
Hey bae
Hey baby
Ima need u 2 bring me my keys and sum coffee
I miss u
Wake up baeeee
Baby wake up

We put on our clothes

Angel had on her sandals,  and her a lit dress

I had on a dress and my slides cause I was tired as shit and my baby had a cold so I gotta take care of her and I barely got sleep dis morning cause she was crying

Family dollar

Derrick - hey baby

Cookie - hey

Derrick - y she crying

Cookie - sick bae dats y

Derrick - aww

I kissed her and I got Angel and rocked her

Derrick - I'm sorry baby I'm not at home

Cookie - it's ok bae

I hugged her

Derrick - I'll be at home round 1

Cookie - ok bae

I got Angel back

Rey - Derrick get back to work

Derrick - aight bae bye

He kissed my neck

Cookie - bye but first I want a frappuccino and Angel sum Cheetos puffs

Derrick - alright bae go get it I'll pay fo it


Derrick - hey bae

Cookie - hey

She was sitting down in her rocking chair in Angel room rocking her

Angel had on just a pull up and socks she curled up onto of cookie chest my baby looked like she was tired she had bags under her eyes

Derrick - bae put her in her bed and cum on

She looked at me and did wat i said

We both took a shower

I rubbed her feet while she slept

Next 5 minutes she was sleep

I sat in Angel room and watched her

I was on my phone looking at pics of me and my baby

I heard a knock at da door

I went to da door

T - hey man

Derrick - wassup

T - shit u ready

Derrick - shit i forgot look man we'll have to wait another time cause Angel sick and cookie tired as fuck cause she been wit her all day long

T - alright man

Derrick - aight man

Angel woke up

Derrick - hey daddy's baby

She looked at me

Derrick - u hungry

I picked her up and rocked her

Derrick - hold on daddy's baby

Angel - mama

Derrick - ma sleep

Angel - ooooooo

Derrick - she tired

Angel - tied

Derrick - yea tied

Me and Angel sat on da couch she was eating her cookies and drinking her milk

I was eating a sandwich and drinking water

We was watching spongebob

It's like 6 sum and my baby was woke she was laying down on me Angel was on da bed sleep

Derrick - hey baby

Cookie - hey boo

Derrick - u feel better baby

Cookie - yea

I kissed her

Derrick - I'm glad

Cookie - u aight bae

Derrick - yea bae long as u ok I'm ok

Cookie - ok boo

Derrick - sumbody missed u

Cookie - who

Derrick - Angel

Cookie - aww

I kissed her forehead

Cookie - bae I want u to take off tmmrw

Derrick - aight bae u know I will dats my baby b day

Cookie - I'm fr

Derrick - alright baby

I grabbed her hand and kissed it

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