Babe 2

11 1 0

I dropped my baby off by Jay house cause I know it's gon be sum arguing

At home

Derrick was sitting on da couch wit his shorts on no shirt and his chain

Cookie - dats da way u treat yo soon to be wife and yo baby

Derrick - no

Cookie - well wats wrong

Derrick - da simple fact u kept it from me

Cookie - well fuck wat do u do to me u do me wrong and u never listen to me

Derrick - well

Cookie - well u should've known he used to always stare me down ohh I forgot u always playin basketball wit yo boys u don't know

Derrick - well

Cookie - u know wat forget it forget da everything don't worry bout da wedding forget it maybe try sumbody else wit it

I gave him his ring

He looked at me

Cookie - I'm sorry we didn't work out

I walked off and went to my room

I was thinking to myself

Yea we not getting married but it's ok he do wat he want anyway

He walked in da room and sat on da edge of da bed

Derrick - cookie

I was standing up looking out da window and talking to myself cause my inner evil kicked in

Cookie - wat

Derrick - I'm sorry

I looked at him sideways

Cookie - y

Derrick - cause everything

Cookie - and

Derrick - bae look at me

I turned around

Cookie - wat

Derrick - sorry baby

Cookie - ion wanna hear it Derrick I'm tired of it

Derrick - i know bae

I wrapped my arms round her waist

Cookie - Derrick i told u 3rd strike ur out

Derrick - i know

Cookie - y u act like dis

Derrick - cause bae I'm da jealous type

Cookie - how and wen

Derrick - wen every body been trying to get to u

Cookie - well i can't help dat I'm cute

Derrick - yea u can't

He hugged me

Derrick - I'm still sorry

Cookie - yea

Derrick - ik u not gon forgive me cause u tired of being did wrong

Cookie - yea

Derrick - i still luv u

Cookie - yea

She kissed my cheek

Derrick - yay she still luv me

Cookie - i want da wedding moved up

Derrick - ok bae

Cookie - u and T need to talk too

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