us time

18 0 0

Me and bae was in bed everybody was taking naps and Angel was at school

My twins was sleep

Me and bae was in bed

She was ontop of my chest sleep wit ha head on my chest

I was on my phone taking pics while she sleep

Derrick - baby

Cookie - watttt boo (in a sleepy voice)

Derrick - get up

She was squirming

Cookie - wat

He looked at me

Derrick - look at me

Cookie - wat

He grabbed my face

Derrick -i fucking luv u baby

Cookie - yea boo

Derrick - I'm fr

I kissed ha face

Cookie - bae stop

Derrick - no

He kept doing it I was holding back

Cookie - bae stop it

He kept kissing me den he kissed my neck

Derrick - u luv me

Cookie - yea boo now stop

Derrick - no look at me

I looked at him

Cookie - wat

Derrick - give daddy a kiss

I kissed him

I laid back down

Derrick - no get up

Cookie - ughhh wat

Derrick - baby cum lay in my lap

Cookie - Derrick

Derrick - be nice to daddy

Cookie - ughhh go to sleep bae take a nap

Derrick - ok baby

I kissed ha forehead and kissed ha ring on ha finger

Den I laid down and took a nap like my other babies

Nap time over

Derrick - bae

Cookie - yes

Derrick - I'm fenna head out

Cookie - to where

Derrick - da store I'll be back and to get Angel

Cookie - ok boo

Derrick - bye baby

Cookie - aight boo bye

He kissed my cheek

Like 3 sum

Angel - hey ma

Cookie - hey Angel

I kissed ha cheek

Cookie - u had fun

Angel - yes

Cookie - ok mama put u sum McDonald's in da microwave

Angel - ok

Derrick - baby

Cookie - yea

Derrick - don't get mad but can I go out tonight wit my friends

Cookie - no

Derrick - y

Cookie - cause just no

Derrick - please

Cookie - u know wat yea go head

Derrick - y u say dat

Cookie - nun go head

Derrick - ok

He kissed me


It was like 10 sum and I was sleep wit my 3 babies in bed

I got a phone call

Derrick - baby

Cookie - wat

Derrick - can u come and get me

Cookie - from where

Derrick - uhhh da club

Cookie - da club watt

Derrick - yea ik

Cookie - call yo daddy

Derrick - baby

Cookie - wat no I don't wanna hear it good night

I hung up

Round 1 am

Derrick - Lord

He walked through da door I was standing in front of him

Cookie - well good morning

Derrick - I'm not in da mood baby

Cookie - wat ur not I'm surprised

Derrick - baby please

Cookie - ok Derrick

Derrick - thank u

I walked off

Cookie - wateva

Derrick - baby

He sat on da couch

Cookie - hmmmm yea

Derrick - I'm sorry

Cookie - yea as always

I had on sum shorts and a shirt ,my bonet and my fuzzy slippers

Derrick - I am

Cookie - yea

He hugged me

Derrick - I luv u baby and I neva want u to leave me even thoo I piss u off I still luv u baby

Cookie - ok

Derrick - can i get a kiss

Cookie - yea I guess

I sat in his lap

I kissed his cheek

Derrick - I luv u

Cookie - luv u 2

I heard Mara crying

Angel - maaa!!!

Derrick - cum on baby

We went to bed

Cookie - hey mamas baby

Derrick - baby go to bed

Cookie - no Derrick

Derrick - baby lay down I got it

Cookie - ok boo

Derrick - night baby

I kissed ha cheek

Cookie - night

Derrick - I had Mara on my shoulder pattin her back and bouncing ha

Derrick - daddy luvs u

I kissed Mara cheek

Den I heard Alex

I put my babies in dey rocker and watched dem fall asleep in dey room

In da morning

I got up looked fo bae

Cookie - Derrick

He was in Mara and Alex room sleep on da floor

He was balled up and i got a blanket and put it on him

Friends Then Lovers... <3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz