Chapter Two: B.A.N.S

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The next day, I woke up alone. I mean, I expected it because Chaz has work. I got up and took a warm shower. I don't feel like doing anything. I got out and put on an oversized t-shirts and sweatpants. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and laid in my bed thinking. My thoughts were interrupted by my doorbell ringing. I wanted to ignore it and act like I wasn't home, but whoever it was was persistent. I sighed and sluggged to the door. I opened it to reveal August. I frowned at him, and he looked at my stomach all confused. "Where is the baby?" "August I called you so many times, but no one answered. I called Christina and told her to tell you I was in labor." He stepped in. "Christina turned my phone off and was playing games. She didn't tell me anything. She didn't want me to go to your appointment." "Ok, well, I didn't go to the appointment."

"So where's the baby? We should do the DNA test tomorrow." I looked at him like he was crazy. "There is no baby August!" I began crying. "He was stillborn! And you still worried about a DNA test! Go, go get your DNA test on my dead son August go ahead!"

I broke down crying, and I could see the tears forming in his eyes. I rolled my eyes through my tears. "Oh don't act like you care! Don't feed me no bullshit tears! You didn't even believe that he was your baby! You weren't there for anything August! Nobody was. I was at the hospital all alone. I had to drive myself to the hospital when my water broke. I tried to wait for you before the baby could be gone. I kept yelling at the doctors that I had to wait for you. I was in the bed all alone when I found out my baby was dead. Then you come here disrespecting me because of a DNA test. You should've gotten a DNA test for Morgan if that's the case. I couldn't even hold my baby August. Do you know how bad that feels?" I said crying. Tears had fallen from his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." August said. I continued to cry. "Why August? Why did you have to put me through all that during my pregnancy? If I was Christina, she'd be treated like a queen, but you treat me like shit!"

"I don't mean to. I really don't. I'm sorry. That was gonna be my lil man. My mini me." "HOW? You didn't even believe he was yours! Give me one person who's baby it could've been besides yours. I've only slept with two people before I got pregnant and that was you and Brandon." "I know. I'm sorry. It's just that people put it in my head and-" I cut him off. "People meaning Christina right? Wow. Please leave August." He sighed. "Im sorry."

"August, go." He turned and left while I closed my door and sank to the floor crying.


I can't believe my son is gone. I know I had my doubts but that's only because Christina put them there. It hurt to see Jae like that man. I'm so used to the strong, stubborn, smart mouthed Jae.

When I got home, I called for Christina. She came down the stairs. "Hey baby." I pushed her off me and motioned for her to sit down. "What's wrong?" "Christina, why didn't you tell me that Jae called? That she was in labor?" I clenched my jaw. Christina looked scared. "Um, I just forgot. I'm sorry. You can still see your baby right?" "Nah. I can't. He's dead. I wasn't there for nothing because of your dumb ass." A slight smirk came on her face, but quickly fell when I jumped up and started choking her.

"Aug, Stop. Please. I-Im sorry!" She struggled. I let her go and walked away.

"Get your shit and go Christina. I might really hurt yo ass if I keep looking at you." "We can work this out Aug." She pleaded. I glared at her. "Get the fuck out. What part of that don't you understand? Get your shit and go." She looked at me with tears in her eyes and got her things and left.

I walked upstairs and punched the wall. I can't believe my son is dead. I didn't even see nothing. I don't even know what he looks like.


Quick update because I have alot of ideas. But yeah. Comment, vote.

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