~ Part 1 ~

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Snow. Park Jenny always hated snow, especially since she was used to the sunny and hot California even on December. But not Seoul. She hated how the temperature could drop until it reached –20°C. Winter was one of the reasons she hated when moving to Seoul 12 years ago.

She ran her way towards the subway station in the morning, trying to catch the train with the other busy people in Seoul. "Sorry," she mumbled as she ran through the crowd in the station.

Ah, crap. She thought as she saw the long lines of people who were about to enter the train. I have to go to class sooner tomorrow. With a shake of her head, she walked to the line and stood behind a woman with a huge pink winter coat. Jenny pulled her earphones from her brown winter coat and plugged them into her ears. To the Wonder by Aqualung filled her ear.

Growing up in the US made Jenny unfamiliar with K-Pop or any other Korean songs. She spoke Korean fluently (as her mom was Korean) and even though it had been 12 years since she moved to South Korea, she still was unfamiliar with the music. Even though Korean music was not for her, but there was something she liked about Korea: no one questioned her ethnic. Ever since she was a kid, she never really had friends. She wasn't bullied severely or something but some of her "friends" at school sometimes teased her for being "Asian". Her father was American and her mother was Korean, so she was half American-half Korean. She tried to explain to her friends about how there wasn't anything wrong being Asian, but as her friends teased her more, she quieted herself down. Being here in Seoul, no one teased her. She felt content about that.

Jenny's thought was interrupted as she heard the woman in the speaker announced that her train was about to arrive. She put her phone inside her pocket and she entered the train with other busy people in front of her.

The train didn't take long, just about 15 minutes with three stops. She hurried herself out of the train and ran herself to her college.

She ran through the glass door and to her first class, Creative Writing. As she walked into class, she saw her close friend since she started college, Min Eunji already seated on their usual spot.

"Jenny-ah!" Jenny smiled as Eunji called her name, bright smile decorating Eunji's face, "Hi!"

Jenny met Min Eunji when she started college two years ago. You can see, Jenny was a quiet girl and she would rather be with her own than socializing with other people. On the other side, Eunji was an energetic person, she couldn't see a quiet person. She approached Jenny when she saw her sitting by herself in the canteen and they started talking and going to places together since then. They might be opposite but as people said "opposite attracts".

Righton 8 AM, their professor of Creative Writing walked in and began his lecture. 



Words Count: 513 words

Hi, people! Sorry for the late updates.. I promised I would update every week but I got distracted this week but hopefully you guys enjoy the first part of the story!

How was it? Let me know!

Hope you guys are excited for the next part!

Love, Jasmine <3

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