A Lesson On Fate

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After entering the village you said goodbye to everyone before making your way home. Thankfully the streets weren't too crowded due to it be late in the evening so you were able to get home relatively fast. Once reaching your home you unlocked the front door and quietly stepped inside. You then removed your shoes while glancing to the kitchen entrance at the sound of a floorboard creaking.

"I'm assuming your mission went well since you're home in one piece." Your aunt observed with a raised eyebrow from her spot in the kitchen entrance.

"It had its ups and downs... but it went well for the most part." You shrugged trying to push the thought of Zabuza and Haku's death out of your mind.

"Your mission went much better than Sakie's last one then."

"Oh what happened?" You questioned growing curious.

"Well Sakie and her team were helping an elderly women at her restaurant and Sakie ended up burning some of her hair. Poor thing had to get about six inches of it cut off." Your aunt said causing your eyes to widen in shock.

"She must have flipped out at that. She loves her hair like it's her child or something." You said remembering how much time the girl would put into making her hair look perfect each day.

"Oh yes she was hysterical..." Your aunt said glancing off to the side before looking back to you.

"Well I'm going to get ready for bed now. I suggest you do the same...oh and no sneaking out." Your aunt said with a warning look before making her way upstairs.

You frowned at your aunt's last comment. It's not like you did anything bad when you snuck out and besides you usually only did it when you couldn't sleep. Your eyes then widened suddenly as you remembered something you wanted to ask your aunt.

"Wait! Aunt Fumiko I was wondering, do we have any Genmaicha tea?"

Your aunt abruptly stopped at your questioned and cast you a confused glance.

"Yes...it's in the pantry. Why are you asking? I thought you hated tea."

"Well when I was on my mission I tried some of that tea and really liked it."

"Ah okay. Well if that's all I'm going to bed now." Your aunt said climbing up the rest of the stairs before disappearing down the hallway.

"Goodnight." You called after your aunt before making your way up the stairs as well. You then walked down the hallway towards your bedroom.
Opening the door you quietly stepped into your dark room, the only light source being the moon shining through the window.

'I wonder how late it is.' You thought dropping your travel bag by the door. You then made your way over to your dresser and began digging through it in search of some night clothes.

Finding some you quickly changed into them. Once done with that you took your mask off as you walked to your bed. Placing the mask on your night stand you turned to your bed and pulled the covers aside before laying down. You laid awake for several minutes after that before slowly drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

You awoke several hours later just as the sun was beginning to rise. Yawning tiredly you got out of bed and walked towards your bathroom. Grabbing a towel from beneath the sink you placed it on the counter before turning the shower on. Once the water was warm you stepped into the shower and began to wash yourself off.

Now completely clean you turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing your towel you wrapped it around yourself as you walked back into your room. Keeping a tight grip on the towel you sorted through your dresser in search of a clean pair of your usual ninja clothes.

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