Childish Banter

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Uncle Hakuseki P.O.V.

'It had been about two months since (YN) had first come to live with me in my house. Over the course of these two months (YN) has become closer to Gaara and I. Now when (YN) came back home, from searching for someone to play with on that first day she got here, I was shocked to find that the person she found to play with turned out to be that Gaara kid.'

'I was scared for (YN)'s
safety around the boy though, due to him being a jinchūriki. I was almost scared enough to tell her that she couldn't be friends with him or talk to him but then I realized...I realized that I can't dictate who she can and can't be friends with because that's her choice. So I just accepted them being friends. Although I still don't trust the boy that much.'

'The only other problem was, (YN) hasn't really made any other friends besides Gaara. I know she thinks she is just fine with only being friends with Gaara but only hanging out with one person all the time can be bad. So I have taken it upon myself to get her to make more friends. Now the first step I'm taking into getting her to make more friends is to get her to go outside and socialize with kids either at the park or playground.' Hakuseki thought as he made his was to (YN)'s room.

(YN)'s P.O.V.

You were laying on your bed in your bedroom doodling pictures of animals. You were softly humming to yourself as you drew when you heard a knock on your door.

"Come in." You said as you continued drawing.

The door creaked open and in walked your uncle. Your uncle quietly walked over to the bed and watched you for a few moments before softly sighing.

"(YN) I-I think that you should go to the park... I heard t-that there are some k-kids going to be there p-playing ninja games."

This caused you to halt in your drawing as you glanced up at your uncle with a small frown.

"But I'm drawing... and the other kids seem kind of mean."

" I-I don't care, you're going." Your uncle said sternly before leaving your room.

Sighing you got up from your bed and went to put your sandals on. Once finished, you quickly ran out of your bedroom and out the front door.

~Time skip brought to you by uncle Hakuseki 'trying' to be stern~

'I wonder why uncle Hakuseki is making me go out... he's probably trying to get me to make more friends... again.' You thought in annoyance as you slowly walked to the park.

You had finally made it to the park and just as your uncle said there were kids playing. The kids looked to be around maybe two years older than you.

They appeared to be playing some sort of keep away game with a ball. And it seems that they were about to start a new game.

'I guess I should probably go make friends or uncle Hakuseki will be upset with me.' You thought as you ran up to the group of kids.

"Hey can I play with you guys?" You asked with a friendly smile.

The kids all looked at each other as if coming to a silent conclusion.

A girl; who you assumed to be the leader of the group stepped up and began to speak.

"No, we don't want some weird new kid playing with us who hangs out with that creepy Gaara."

You were a bit hurt by what they said and angered that they called Gaara creepy but you chose to brush of their behavior towards you.

"O-oh okay... I see. I'll be going now. And Gaara's not creepy, he's just different." You said before walking away from the group of kids, deciding that you would look for said boy to play with instead.

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