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A quiet sigh escaped your lips as you gently brushed your hair behind your ears. You were slowly walking through the hallways of the otherwise quiet hospital.

After you met with the Hokage, you decided you needed to distract yourself. Normally you would train or disappear to the woods for a while, but right now, you only wanted to pretend everything was okay. You just wanted a distraction from the stress of your necklace, your clan's kekkei genkai, and your newfound ability to bring people back from the was a lot to take in. Why didn't your uncle say anything sooner? If you had known sooner, you would have brought back your brothers and mother. Even if that meant giving up your life you would do it.


"Why didn't you tell me about the rebirth jutsu? That jutsu allows me to bring people back...I-I could use it to bring them back!" You exclaimed once you and your uncle were alone.

You were so frustrated. He knew about your kanji and that jutsu but never said anything! What if you could have found your family's remains and brought them back? What if you were able to bring them back? Would they forgive you? So many what-ifs were whirling around in your head. You felt like your head was about to explode.

"I could have fixed things! I-I could still save them!"

By now tears were brimming your eyes, and your fists were tightly clinched at your sides. Your uncle stood in front of you as you yelled at him. His face was calm but his eye showed pity as he looked down at you.

"(YN)..." Your uncle softly whispered, pulling your shaking body towards him in a warm embrace.

"It has been too long to bring them back...The jutsu must be completed within 48 hours of death and you would need a sample of their's impossible now..." Your uncle softly spoke as he gently hugged your shaking form.

"You carry so much child should have to bear that...what happened was awful but it cannot be changed and it was not your fault...YOU did not decide to end their lives. You were used and taken advantage of...I am sorry I couldn't be there to stop my brother...and I know that necklace is a constant reminder of what happened and a source of fear for you...we will find a way to destroy it but until then all I can offer you is to grow your strength and jutsus so you will never have to worry about someone taking it away from you."

~end of flashback~

Shaking your head, you brushed away the memory with a frustrated sigh. It just made you sad to think about it. You just wanted to forget. You wanted to do something fun—something normal to take your mind off of things.

Which is why you were currently in the hospital in search of Sakura. You and Sakura had been friends for a long time and you longed for the days when you were carefree children having sleepovers and playing together. You hadn't had a sleepover with her in a long time but you always had a lot of fun and thought it would be a good way to keep your mind off things which is why you were currently looking for her in the hospital. You had originally stopped by Sakura's house, but her parents informed you that she was at the hospital visiting Rock Lee. After learning this, you left for the hospital and were currently looking for Sakura in the halls as you made your way to Lee's hospital room. A nurse had informed you that he was in room 105.

"102..104..Ah! There it is!" You murmured, voicing your thoughts aloud as you walked to room 105. 

The door was slightly ajar, but you still gently knocked on the door before entering.

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