A Celebration

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(FS) means favorite smell
(FC) means favorite color
(SFC) means second favorite color


"So what jutsu did you have to preform for the graduation test?" Raion asked as the two of you walked side by side down the street.

"The clone jutsu." You replied absentmindedly.

"Isn't that the jutsu you use to have trouble with until you started training with that long haired boy?" Raion asked looking down at you.

You nodded with a slight grin on your face at the mention of one of your friends.

"Yea his name is Neji. And he didn't help me with that jutsu until after we had been training for a while." You explained.

"Ah well I would like to meet this Neji then so that I can thank him for helping my baby cousin." Raion said with a grin beginning to form upon his face.

"Hey I'm 12 years old now so you can't keep calling me your baby cousin." You huffed with a frown. You didn't like it when he called you that. It made you feel like a child.

"Nonsense. You'll always be my baby cousin no matter how old you get." Raion grinned while ruffling your hair with one hand as he reached his other hand into his pocket.

Your frown turned into a half smile as you rolled your eyes and pushed Raion's hand away.

"Whatever...old man." You taunted with a small smirk forming upon your face.

"I'm not old. I'm only 26." Raion frowned while pulling his hand out of his pocket to reveal his house key.

"Why are you getting your key out? We're not even close to our hou-" You began but stopped short as you looked up to see your house was only a few feet away.

"Oh...haha never mind." You awkwardly laughed.

Raion chuckled at this as the two of you walked to the front door of your house. Once reaching the door Raion unlocked it.

The two of you then stepped inside to be greeted with the smell of food and voices coming from the kitchen.

"Smells good." You commented while taking your shoes off.

"Yeah. My mother paid for some people to cook for the celebration she planned for you and Sakie graduating from the academy." Raion said as he took his shoes off and placed them to the side before walking towards the kitchen.

'I'm glad I passed then...' You thought in response as you put your shoes aside and began following Raion to the kitchen.

Once reaching the kitchen you saw your Aunt Fumiko talking to two people. Upon noticing you and Raion though their conversation ceased.

"Hey you two. I need you both to bring some off this food to the table before the rest of the guests get here." Aunt Fumiko said gesturing to two big plates full of food on the counter.

Nodding at this you walked over to the counter with Raion close behind. You both picked up a plate and brought them into the dining room.

In the middle of the dining room was the dining room table which was almost completely taken up by plates of food.

"Wow Aunt Fumiko really went all out." You awed placing the plate of food you had been carrying on the table.

"Yea she's been planning it for a while a now." Raion said placing the other plate of food on the table beside yours.

You nodded at what Raion said and opened your mouth to speak. However, you were interrupted by the sound of loud knocking on the front door.

"Raion! Can you get the door please?" Aunt Fumiko yelled from inside the kitchen.

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