Chapter 23

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"Hey Axle. Whats-"

"Is Liam there?!" Axle asks, worried out of his mind. Troy called Axle to find out the truth. Liam was really upset. He never carries a sad expression on his face during old Mario Kart. Like 2010 Mario Kart. That's Liam's favorite game. He didn't brag about his victory like he usually does. He would just smile a bit, but his sadness consumed his happiness.

"Yeah...he's just sleeping."

"Okay." Axle let's out a sigh of relief.

"What did you do?" Troy asks.

"What do you mean?" Axle says.

"Don't play dumb!" Troy says, annoyed by Axle's play stupidity.

"I didn't do anything."

"Whatever. You always do something. He has a small heart, you know."

"I know."

"But you don't care. Just like you don't care about anyone else. Just your dick, and what it can get in easily, right?" Troy asks. Although it sounded rhetorical, Troy wanted an answer. But Axle said nothing. Troy sighs deeply.

"Whatever, Axle. Bye." Troy says hanging up the phone. Ethan comes into the kitchen with Troy.

"Did you find out what happened?" Ethan asks.

"No. But I have a little idea already."


"I'm gonna get some go out and get the pizza."

"Okay. I'll talk to Liam. He woke up." Ethan says going downstairs to the basement.

"Good luck." Ethan hears as he walks down the stairs. In the area, there isn't a door. It's just going down the stairs into the room.

"Hey, you good?"

"Yeah...hungry. I didn't really eat lunch."

"Yeah. I know.....You know, I'm your friend." Ethan says softly and seriously.

Liam nods.

"And you can tell me anything and everything. If you want of course." Liam hesitates to nod, then he nods slowly as he figures out what this is about.

"I'll tell you." Liam says. He trusts Ethan. A little. But Ethan doesn't have friends, so who's Ethan  gonna tell? No one. Except Troy. But so what?

"It's Kaitlyn."

"Axle's fuck buddy?"

"Yes. He didn't want me to go to his apartment because she wanted to go to his house so they could have their fun." Liam says in a cold tone.

"Oh...that's Axle."

"I know. I shouldn't be upset. I mean it's not like I like him or something. I don't feel anything for him."

"You sure?" Ethan asks smirking.


"No you aren't."

"Yes I am!" Liam says defensively.

"He likes you."


"Yup. He does. He just doesn't know it yet. Like Lance and Keith." Ethan smiles. Liam smiles, chuckling at Ethan's little reference.

"He doesn't like me."

"He loves you. He cares about you more than Kaitlyn. It's that Kaitlyn gives him more...lust than you do because he's had sex with her. And she's easy. You aren't. And he has never had a romantic feeling towards anyone. He's only had sexual feeling for the opposite sex."

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