Chapter 1

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The vibrations from the bass of the music moved through the mansion. Hot sweaty bodies grinding causing even more friction and heat than before. The indoor bar was surrounded by people begging for more drinks. The new people coming in see the words....


The drunk people outside in the pool drowning in 3 ft of water and some of the 15 bathrooms have drunks throwing up and drunks upstairs in some of the 11 bedrooms having sex.

But Liam was in the pool. Completely wasted.

With Christopher...

And Aiden

With other people too.

His 2 best friends in the world. Christopher was messing around with his girlfriend Ashley. Splashing her. Picking her up and throwing her back in the water.

Liam laughs as he watches the two. Liam goes underwater and sits on the floor. Then he sees Aiden swimming towards him. Mouth full of air, but still managing to smirk. Liam lets out a few bubbles as his eyebrows raise in shock as he swims away. Aiden catches him throwing Liam in the air then, who later plops back into the pool.

"AIDEN!" Liam screams.

"What?" Aiden says innocently.

'Oh two can play at the baby game, Aid' Liam thinks.

Then Liam forms a pout. Not too big to be ugly. Not too small to be unnoticed. Liam looks away smirking. Then pretends to cry.

"Oh....Liam I'm sorry." Aiden swimming towards him.

'Yes that's it. Come closer and...'  Liam internally evil laughs then grabs Aiden's shoulders and shoving him in the water. Then letting him up after he felt Aiden grip his hips hard. Liam chokes on his own saliva. Aiden comes back up smirking. Liam just narrows his eyes at Aiden.

"Hey! Play cock with us." Christopher said as Ashley crawled from his back to his neck.

"Okay!" Liam said swimming over underwater. Aiden got underwater. He got under Liam. Liam got the hint and wrapped his legs around Aiden's neck then Aiden stands.

'How strong..." Liam thinks blushing.

"Cock fight!" Liam and Ashley scream as they play fight. Liam finally pushes Ashley into the water.

"Nooo I was so close!" Ashley whines. Liam sticks out his tongue teasingly.

'I'm gonna miss them'


Almost everyone is gone except the couples in the pool and the few asking for more drinks. Everyone has said their farewells to Liam. Aiden and Liam swim together. Crack jokes. And splash each other.

"Bye Liam. We'll see you later!" A group of friends would say until no one was there and it was only Liam and Aiden in the Mansion.

"Let's go inside." Aiden says coming out of the water running his hands through his wet hair.

"Okay." Liam says just shaking his head like a puppy. They go in.

Liam waits in Aiden's room while Aiden gets towels. Once he comes back he comes back with two towels and two outfits. He wraps the towel around himself then wraps the other around Liam.

"I had fun." Liam smiles looking at Aiden's hands which are hanging on to Liam's towel almost touching Liam's chest.

"I'm gonna miss you Li." Aiden smiles.

"I'm gonna miss you too." Liam blushes. They both were speaking very softly and gently. They were both blushing.

Aiden pulls Liam closer slowly. Liam looks around attempting to avoid eye contact but fails as Aiden forces him to look into his by holding Liam's chin.

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