Chapter 5- Opening Ceremony! And Unicorns.

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A few minutes later I'm under the training center.

“Hey guys!” I yell to the others as I rush over to District N2’s area of the huge room.

They all wave.

“What do you think of the dresses?” I ask, they are all wearing the same as me and we all have our hair out, all looking natural and beautiful!

Like fanfiction goddesses.


“Check out these unicorns!” Sarah gasps, as she points at four white unicorns, that are munching away on a few carrots.

Unicorns like carrots, who knew right?

“Sweet!” I giggle, walking over to the unicorns and put my hand up to let one of them lick it.

I love unicorns, but my mum never let me have one back home, she only let us have a pet llama. 

But I like my llama.

I called it Kevin, after the pigeon.

I look over from the unicorn to what looks like District I.

They all look like they’d just bought up the whole official merch shop. 

And I guess they had, since District I is Official Merchandise. 

“Look at them!” Amy chuckles, prodding my arm as she points over to district N.

I crack up.

The poor girls from district N are each dressed as one-fifth of the One Direction bus, they look so funny, but what else could they wear? Seeing as they are in charge of Tour Planning.

“Ladies! Quit gawking! Get onto your chariot!” Steffie instructs, sighing as the escort for District N gives our District the evil eye.

We all quickly hop up.

The unicorns get ready and we all wait as we hear One Thing blast through the speakers outside, on the road down to the Mayor’s place.

The huge doors open to outside and District O begins to walk out. They are wearing headphones with jeans and a T-shirt, lucky them, District O is recording studios.

The crowd goes wild at them and a thousand cameras flash.

Then District N heads out, followed by E, which is dressed like different websites.

One girl is dressed in the Tumblr logo, one in the Twitter, one in Facebook, one in Instagram and one girl is dressed like a ghost...Snapchat. Yeah, District E, social networking.

Then the crowd goes mental when District D comes out, dressed in bikinis as they all party on a mini fake beach, looking like they are having a blast on their unicorn drawn chariot.

Then out goes I, and District R which is official books.

The girls from R are dressed like books, which looks sorta funny.

But it’s appropriate, so I can’t joke about that.

District E2 - which is posters, look cute, replicating a well know One Direction poster.

And District C makes the crowd wild with their adorable One Direction inspired outfits for girls, because District C is fashion.

Then District T go out with cameras and snap loads of photos because they are in charge of photography and media.

District I2 looks beautiful in floaty dresses as they dance along to Moments on their extra large chariot, District I2 is dancing and the arts, and District O2 comes behind looking like girl copies of the boys, with their One Direction hair, because O2 is hairstyles.

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