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To some people, the maze was scary. To others, intimidating. To Leanne, the maze was a safe-haven. It was where she loved to run off into and just relax. It was the long, dark, endless paths that brought her comfort. It was the sadistic secrets she'd discover running down the dim hallways. The plain cement surrounding her was where she felt most at home.

Some would call her weird. Others, an adrenaline junky. In the end, everyone really just called her crazy.

Of course, being the only girl in a society of boys, she was always viewed as different. Most of the time, it was a good thing. It meant she wasn't as messy, she smelt better than them for sure, and she was more mature. Instead of fighting like the rest of them, she'd think up a solution.

Leanne was charming. She had every single one of the Gladers wrapped around her finger. It wasn't her gorgeous brown hair, or her warm brown eyes, but the fact that she was easy to be around. She was affable, and that was something nice when it came to living in the Glade.

Despite all the good things about her, she had her flaws. When she was mad, you didn't want to get in her way. The brunette was feisty, and you'd only learn that the bad way. She was secretive, not in a rude way, but in a way that she wouldn't share much.

And last but certainly not least, she was unpredictable.


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