Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

“She tried to get those things off my tail so I could make it in here.  I think she said she would try to make it to one of the buildings a few blocks over and hide out until those things lost some interest or even head back to the school for help for me,” Kyle explained.

“You left her out there on her own?”  Ridec asked angrily.

Kyle glanced down at his arm disparagingly and grimaced.

“Wasn’t exactly strong enough to argue with her.”

“She’s just a kid,” Ridec said.

“She’s a young woman and a pretty strong one at that,” Jessell countered.  “She’ll be fine.”  Ridec doubled over his lower lip and nibbled on it.

“So we take Kyle back to the others and hope Rea made it back.”

Jessell studied Ridec carefully, she didn’t need to read his mind to know how he felt towards the girl.  He wanted to go looking for Rea but he was afraid she would be angry if he uttered the words.

“We’ll make sure she’s not in any of the nearby buildings, if we don’t find her then we’ll head back to the school,” Jessell said.  Ridec smiled broadly throwing his arms around her and pulling her hard against his body.  Jessell laughed.  “My, you are getting strong.”

Ridec laughed outright even looking a little proud at the thought.

“You two seem to have kissed and made up.”

“We did a little bit more than kiss,” Jessell said and Ridec blushed.

“I don’t think Rea will be too pleased about that,” Kyle said.

Jessell shrugged.  The last thing she needed to think about right now was Rea’s jealous attitude, it might just make her decide not to go looking for the little runt.

“She’ll understand,” Ridec said quickly.  He knew that Jessell didn’t need reminding about Rea’s dislike for her.

“Well, I’ll be here when you two get back…hopefully,” Kyle said forcing a smile.

“You’ll be fine, you’re immune but they just seems to be different levels of immunity.  I’m sure we’ll find some kind of pharmacy or hospital so I can get something to help that bite heal a little faster,” Ridec said.

“Thanks.”  Kyle nodded his head slowly.  “You’re a good kid, whatever you are.”

“You can’t tell the others when we get back,” Jessell said as if suddenly remembering that Kyle and Rea posed an additional threat now.

“You two saved my life….hopefully.”  He chuckled.

“You’ll be fine,” Ridec assured him again.

“You don’t know that,” Jessell said.  “It’s pointless giving false hope.”

“I don’t mind.”  Kyle shrugged.  “Any hope is better than none.”

“We have to go if we want to find Rea.  Now more than ever we need to be heading back to the sea.  The longer we spend with the humans the more likely our secret will not remain a secret,” Jessell said.

She gripped Ridec’s hand and headed towards the door.

“Secure the door behind us Kyle, we’ll try to get back as soon as possible.”

“Of course.”

Kyle limped forward and watched as Jessell eased the door open slightly and peeped outside.

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