Chapter 23: A Dance To Remember

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{Age: 18}

"So..... You're my father?" I ask skeptically.

"If you don't believe me then ask your mother yourself." He said smiling.

"Okay... I'll just ask her later-" I was cut off when a portal appeared in front of us and there stood mom who came out of it.

Caym went towards her and took her hand while giving it a kiss which mom responds with a smile.

"Hello my love, I'm so happy to see you." He said.

"I am too, but for now we have some explaining to do." She said then looks at me.

"Wait, so he is my dad?"

She nods and I look at dad.

"It's kinda wierd you being my dad because of how young you look." I said.

"Looks doesn't matter when it comes to family." Ozpin said.

"Okay, so if you're dad's father, then you're my grandfather?" I ask him which he nods.

I stand there still lookinh down making everyone worried. I'm together with my family again.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Jaune ask.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just, I'm happy to be with my family....." I said smiling.

They all smiled and mom went towards me to give me a hug and I accepted it.

"I'm happy that even though wasn't with us, you still accepted him." She said.

"All I just wanted to have a whole family."

Soon we all gathered for a group hug and enjoyed our day as a family reunion


Me and Team RWBY are in their dorm talking about stuff until Ruby said something which caught out attention.

"Guys! I remember that in Sunday night is the dance! Do any of have something to wear already?!"

"Now that you mention it, I still have to buy a dress." Weiss said.

"How about we go shopping now?!"

"Yeah!" The girls cheered.

"Okay! Let's go to the-wait, shopping?!" I ask in panic and they respond with a nod.

"What's wrong?" Blake ask.

"Well I remember that I still have something to do so....yeah hehe, bye!" I was about to run out of their dorm but someone then grabbed me and pulled me to the ground.

I look up and saw them looking at me with raised brows as I sweatdrop.

"What's the matter?" I ask nervously.

"You are coming with us to buy dresses and there is no escape."

I gulp and just nodded.

"(Activate auto mode...... I'll be staying here for a while.)"


Team RWBY, JNPR, MECN, Velvet, Coco and I are in a mall in Vale shopping.

"Oooo! I like to see what dress I can wear for the dance!" Ruby beamed as she looks around

"What kind of suit are you going to where?" Neo ask me.

"I don't know maybe that old white tux again?" I said.

"Not that again. How about we go buy you one!"

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