Chapter 4: Red And Yellow

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{Age: 7}

Location: Mistral

Y/N: Argh........ I hate crowded places..

I said as I was carrying a box to give it to someone who I think owns a shop but the lower ground is so crowded that I can't even move nor teleport.

Y/N: (I guess I have no choice then)

I summon a shadow Nevermore in front of me making the people around me backed away in surprise. As I ride on the back of my nevermore, I could clearly hear the people mumbling something about me.

Citizen 1: Hey is that the kid we've been hearing about in Atlas?

Citizen 2: Yeah, look at it. He just summoned a shadow Nevermore out of nowhere.

Citizen 1: I never thought that I would see him in person...

I just ignore those whispers and ordered my Nevermore to fly.

It flew up in the air and we went straight to our destined location. As we kept flying I just look down on the view and I can see the citizens all look shock at me.

I just innocently smiled at them and waved.

A few seconds past, we finally arrive in front of the shop. I teleport out of my Nevermore's back and then disappear in smoke. I enter the shop with the box on my hands and went to the counter.

I put the box in front of the man, and spoke.

Y/N: Hey mister, someone ask me to deliver this box to you.

Shopkeeper: Oh, I think that my supplies will be delivered by a young boy. What's your name?

Y/N: I'm, Y/N.

Shopkeeper: Hmm, your jacket seems familiar. By any chance, are you that boy who is known by summoning shadow creatures?

Y/N: Yes sir, that would be me.

Shopkeeper: Well, my my. Never expected to meet you in person. I heard rumors that people call you as Shadow.

Y/N: That's nice. Anyway, I have to go now. See you around mister. Oh wait, I didn't get your name. What was it?

Ryan: My name is Ryan.

Y/N: Well Mr. Ryan. I have to go now, it was nice meeting you. See you around. 'I said as I rushed out of the shop for no reason'

1 week later

Location: Patch, Vale

Y/N: Bye bye Mistral, I'll visit you soon. 'I said as I waved goodbye to Mistral and started to head to the final kingdom that I haven't visited yet, Vale'

I teleported around a large forrest while killing some Grimm until I need to recharge my energy, so I just walk around with a shadow wolf beside me.

Y/N: Now where to go, I don't know which direction leads to vale.

Shadow Wolf: I guess we just have to walk around for a while Master after your energy will be restored back.

Y/N: This will take us longer....

As we continue to walk around I suddenly heard some footsteps and barking just not far away, but I ignored it. Until a ball just bounced and rolled in front of us and hit by foot.

I look confused at first, but suddenly I dog just started to run and stopped in front of us.

Shadow Wolf: A corgi dog?

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