Chapter 12: Suspicion And Love

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Salem's POV

Location: Grimm Realm

Today is another normal day and I was just sitting on my throne until Hazel enters the room.

Hazel: Mistress, there have been reports from the Demon Spies that Lucas has been occasionally showing up in public locations these days. Should we make a move?

Thinking about what Hazel said makes me frustrated already. I couldn't allow him to invade every kingdom and hurt my son.

Salem: Have Cinder and her assistants ask the White Fang for their support since that they have finally gained their equality and in order to prevent..................things.....

Hazel: Is there something wrong, Mistress? You seem kinda off right now.

Salem: I'm fine, just worrying about some things.

Hazel: Very well, I'll leave you and your mind for now.

He finally left the room and silence was only heard around the entire room. I rested my elbows on the table and rested my chin on my hands. Wondering why he still doesn't give up after thousands of years.

Sighing in frustration, I commanded my seer Grimm to get near me and contact Ozpin. As I wait here patiently until minutes had past a picture of Ozpin had appeared.

Ozpin: Greetings Salem, what seems to be the cause of you contacting me?

Salem: I was just informing you that Lucas returned for revenge and has been noticeably spotted on plain sights.

Ozpin: I see...... Have you decided to what to do for that?

Salem: I do, we will convince the White Fang to aid us and prevent him from doing other things.

Ozpin: Okay then, I'll also inform the other academy headmasters so they'll keep their guard up.

Salem: Just don't let Ironwood do whatever he wants with it or he'll make it worse.

Ozpin: *chuckle* Sure, I think I'll talk to you later. I still have some things to do here. Oh and before you go, how's my grandson doing?

Salem: He is doing fine, but I've been noticing something from him that he is likely hiding something. Since one of Lucas' men cast dark magic on his foster family a few years ago, I guess that might be it. But I'll make sure as a mother, I'll keep him safe and happy.

Ozpin then smiled and nod at me.

Ozpin: I'm glad he is doing alright right now, but even when he is at the exact age, I think we need him to attend here next year so we can get a close eye on him since from what I heard from you, he keeps travelling around.

Salem: I think that would be a good idea. Well this conversation might get longer so I'll stop it here.

His face then disappeared and my seer left to go somewhere else in the castle. I started thinking of Y/N's case, from the looks of it he is physically alright but mentally, I think there might be some problems. Even one of the Demon Mages that was able to read people's mind can't describe what he's really thinking. They said that his mind was kinda............foggy....

Sighing again I just rested my head and forget about those for now.

Ozpin's POV

Location: Beacon Academy, Vale

After the talk with Salem, I sit on my chair and grab my cup of coffee from my desk and took a sip of it before thinking of what she said earlier.

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